why am I still here ?

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Arius stood in front of a beautiful garden, adorned with all sorts of exquisite flowers. He stared at his hand and looked around, realizing that he was dreaming.

Arius wondered but quickly dismissed the thought as it seemed too detailed for a normal dream.

' Memory?'

Arius couldn't recall anything like this garden, so he concluded it must be someone's memory. But whose?

His question was soon answered when he noticed a beautiful lady standing in the garden. Arius couldn't help but keep staring at her; he felt as if he knew her somehow.

' She looks so much like Athanasia...'

Arius thought as he observed the pretty lady before him, who had long, beautiful blonde hair. Arius nervously walked near her, noting that she couldn't see him.

' So it must be someone's memory '

Arius concluded, now taking a braver approach. When he took a closer look, he could see a slight bump on her stomach and dark circles under her eyes. Arius didn't know why, but he felt quite saddened by her worried state.

"She must be our mother..." Arius took a closer look at his mother, his small palm reaching out to her only to pass through her body. If Arius could touch his mother, he would have tackled her into a tight hug. No words could truly express his longing for his mother's warm embrace and soothing words.

"...Mother... You truly are beautiful like a fairy..." Arius smiled softly, not taking his eyes off her for even a second, afraid he would forget how she looked when he woke up. Arius took a step back, slightly startled when she crouched down, covering her mouth as she kept her sorrows at bay.

" Why are you sad? "

Arius asked, his words falling on deaf ears. He silently watched as her lips quivered. Arius knew he couldn't touch her, yet he still tried to wipe away the small droplets of tears that gathered in the corners of her eyes.

Arius's focus shattered when he heard footsteps nearing them. Claude had an angered look on his face, which didn't do much to hide his pained expression. Arius watched as his mother, Diana, looked up at Claude. She slowly stood up, holding her ground as she stared back.

"I heard about it... The physician expected it to be a single child, but twins? You are knowingly putting your life in danger!"

Claude said, holding her shoulders. His eyes stared at her, trying to convey his fear of losing her, trying to convey that he couldn't bear to lose her.

"Claude... We are going to be parents for two children... Aren't we supposed to be happy?"

Diana asked, her voice trembling. She loved her children and wanted to bring them into this world, she didn't want to rob them of the chance to experience life. Diana didn't want to leave Claude, but she also didn't want to rob her children of the chance to live.

Claude stared down at her with desperation.

"Please, I beg of you... Please, I don't want to lose you. I will beg on my knees if that's what you desire... please "

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