Is this it ?

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Claude sat on his throne, leaning his head on his right hand, awaiting the arrival of whom Felix insisted were his children.

' Children? His children? '

The notion was so absurd that Claude wanted to scoff. A bitter bile rose in his throat at the mere thought. His head throbbed continuously, as if needles were being hammered into his skull.

The night before, he had dreamt. Dreamt about Diana… and he had begged, begged her to stay, but she only smiled and faded away. In that moment, countless emotions stormed inside his heart. It was then he realized why he had always detested emotions—they were nothing but a disturbance, a thorn.

So now, Claude was determined to rid himself of whatever emotions his supposed children might evoke. As another throb interrupted his thoughts, his vision blurred, but his face remained stoic and indifferent.

Something inside him whispered not to proceed. The feeling sickened him—begging? He had already done that for Diana, only for her to ignore his pleas.

Felix glanced at Claude worriedly from time to time, noting the dark circles etched on his skin and the hidden yet noticeable exhaustion. When Claude suddenly ordered the Prince and Princess to be summoned, Felix grew nervous and concerned about what Claude might say in this public event.


Arius was deeply concerned. He hadn’t even had time to fetch his sword before the Royal Guards quickly escorted him and Athanasia out of the Emerald Palace and into the hall where Claude’s birthday banquet was taking place. He glanced at Athanasia frequently, imagining countless scenarios for handling any trouble that might arise.

As the doors opened and they were ushered inside, they found themselves surrounded by nobles in lavish attire, while they stood in casual clothes, sticking out like sore thumbs. Arius stayed close to Athanasia, eyeing the crowd cautiously.

' Is he going to behead us? Declare us traitors to the empire? '

Arius’s heart hammered in his chest, a cold sweat running down his spine. Nothing had been said yet, but he was already pale. Athanasia held his hand, trying to assure him that nothing would happen. Though nervous herself, she tried to put up a strong front as the nobles stared curiously and Claude glared relentlessly.

' ... Do I have to beg again ?'

Arius glanced up at Claude, perched on his golden throne with an untouchable and cold look in his eyes. He then looked at Athanasia, feeling a slight calming of his heart. He squeezed her hand back, feeling his wavering resolve strengthen.

As long as his sister’s well-being was assured, Arius was ready to get on his knees and beg again if necessary.

Silence engulfed the hall as the nobles curiously observed the royal twins. Arius noticed the cold look in his father's eyes and the wary glances shared among the Royal Guards.

' Ah. '

Arius came to his senses; this was a situation he was all too familiar with. To avoid fanning the flames, he gently pulled his sister, signaling her to kneel and bow. Athanasia knelt, placing her hands on the floor. Arius bowed next to her, one knee on the ground.

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