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Lucas was examining himself in the mirror, scrutinizing every nook and cranny of his face, finding nothing unattractive. He furrowed his brow for a moment, then took another look, rubbing his chin as he pondered what Arius saw as ugly. From the strands of his hair to his toenails, he found nothing lacking in beauty.

' heh . He must be blind '

Lucas huffed putting down the mirror , building up his ego back after it crumbled down like a sand castle at Arius's comment.

' now that I think about it , those brats have been gone for long now '

Lucas shook his head and arranged his hair for a little bit after taking a look in the mirror , now that he deemed himself more prettier than before he snapped his finger and Athanasia popped up before him .

" You damn Do-"

Athanasia yelled out towards Lucas as soon as she arrived inside the room , her fists were clenched and she raised it only a moment away from hitting Lucas's head.

But she stopped when a bright light encased her , blinding her for a moment.

'. . . . Why the hell is he so shiny '

Athanasia scrunched her face in annoyance , Lucas looked up at her raised fist and batted his long eyelashes giving her a cute puppy look.

" Aww , you're going to hit me ?"

Lucas asked with a small pout , Athanasia was about to throw her fist towards his little face but her fist stopped right before his face.

" AGGHH !! "

Athanasia groaned out in frustration and threw a pillow towards Lucas's direction which he easily dodged.

The two of them stopped their little argument as the air around them crackled with mana and Arius soon came into their view.

Before any words could be spoken Arius threw himself towards Lucas , his palms tightly grabbed onto Lucas's long luscious black hair. Lucas yelped out in pain and threw a glance towards Athanasia who slyly smiled back and shrugged .

" You idiot! Do you even know how dangerous teleportation can be if not done properly !! What if we two just fell to our death if a human cushion was not there ?!"

Arius wrapped his fingers around Lucas's hair and pulled tightly. Lucas yelled out in pain , tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

"Agh- stop! Stop!" Lucas pleaded, his heart racing. This was the first time anyone had ever hit him, not even his parents had given him a beating. First he was called ugly and now, he was being manhandled by a seven-year-old boy.

" Stop ! Stop ! Listen to me first , it's hurting !!"

Lucas yelled out as loudly as he could and Arius finally loosened his hold on Lucas's hair and stared back at him.

Noticing how close Arius was to Lucas , Athanasia's previously joyful smile turned upside down . ( °∆° )

' agh damnit ! I can't let that creepy old guy get that close to my brother !!'

The hated one ( WMMAP male oc ) Where stories live. Discover now