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" Who's Lady Diana ? "

Arius asked , his tone laced with curiosity as he anticipated a response but the reaction he received from them was something he didn't expect at all .

Athanasia had dropped her fork which she was about to eat from , Felix stared at him with a slightly appalled look.

Arius now grew worried at how Claude would react.

' did I say a taboo word ? Is she a . . . . .  witch ? '

Arius pondered over the countless possibilities.

' it can't be a witch , I would've known it in my previous if there was a witch like her '

Claude kept his cup down and stood up , Arius felt as if his heart had just taken a huge leap .

' . .. . Oh no . . . . . Is he going to kill me now ? .  . . . . .  Was her name a curse ? But Felix said it and he wasn't
killed ?! '

Arius panicked slightly ,  his muscles tensed as he prepared himself to run if Claude raised his hand or even his finger.

Claude stared at Arius for a bit longer and left without speaking a word. Arius released his breath , he had been holding .

He turned his head towards Athanasia who look at him with a slightly saddened look. Arius grew only more confused when Felix sighed heavily . Felix opened his mouth to speak but paused not knowing how to phrase it for Arius.

" Lady Diana  . . . . Well. . . .. she's your mother , your highness. "

Felix spoke. Arius stared at Felix a bit stunned and then turned his attention towards his cold meal .

' Diana. . . . .so that's my mother's name '

Arius thought , feeling a slight sense of warmth creep into his heart .

'' I know her name now ''

Arius thought , with a slight smile , looking quite accomplished and happy at the fact he finally knew his mother's name.

' see. . . . I'm not that clueless of who my mother is '

Arius thought to himself , as he remembered the day Fred had taunted him with the fact that he didn't even know his mother's name.
The day he killed Fred , Arius was glad he was the one who did it.

Without much realization, Arius had said it out loud that he now finally knew his mother's name.

' after eighteen years. . . . .. . I finally know your name mother  . . . . . . .I know it  '


Athanasia was being carried to the ruby palace by Felix who had a gentle yet firm grip on her to make sure she didn't fall.

As they walked in silence , one thought still plagued their mind . Arius .


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