Anything for you

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Arius didn't know how long he had stayed in his bed , he didn't know how many hours had passed , he didn't know whether it was day or night. He didn't want to know how long it had been since he last saw Lucas.

His stomach grumbled from time to time but he didn't want to get out of his bed , he didn't want to eat , he didn't want to drink. Arius didn't know how long it has been since the last time he ate .

The last he time he ate was during a outing with his sister and Claude. Arius's mind grew tired and hazy , his throat was parched like a dessert.  He wanted to eat and drink but he also didn't want that. Arius no longer knew what to do and what not to.  All he wanted at that moment was to embrace the coldness of death but he couldn't do that.

Lucas had asked him not to do that so Arius gave at least a bare minimum effort to try to live.

There were times when Arius heard a knock in his door but he was too tired to reply , he was too tired to drag his body across the room to open the doors. Sometimes Arius passed out due to hunger and dehydration but he always somehow woke up and lived.

Time seemed to blend like a endless river for Arius , his mind was hazy and heavy , his eyes could only slowly move from one object in the room to the other. Everything reminded him of Lucas , he could even hear Lucas's voice ringing in his ears when he woke from his trance.

Arius deemed himself a madman at this point. Blinking heavily due to exhaustion , Arius's eyes closed shut once again and all he could do was hope , hope that he will wake up from this nightmare that is life.


The winter was always cold and Arius  hated cold but at the same time he enjoyed the comfort that it gave. He had recently just turned nine , He even  got to meet his younger sister for the very first time !

His lips curved up tightly into a smile , his teeth on display as he thought about his sister who was just so soon adorable in his view. Arius hoped that he also made a good first impression on her as she did on him.

Arius hoped he didn't disappoint her .

Passing by a reflective window , Arius stopped walking and looked at himself in the reflection. He was wearing his casual clothes , his face was clean but his hair looked like a bird's nest.

Arius shrieked at the sight of his hair that resembled a bird's nest , he continuously tried to fix his bed head and after minutes of doing so his hair finally sat down.

Looking at his reflection with a pride smile , Arius took a long stride and began his walk towards his room.


Arius groaned tiredly as he slowly pried his eyes open , he could feel something soft nudging his face . He was too tired to care what it was , he feared it was a rat that made it's way into his room through the pipes.

Arius was slowly about to fall back into sleep , his body shutting down due to lack of food and water. Just as he was about to drift back into his dreams , that soft thing bit his cheek urging him to wake up. Arius opened his eyes and stared at the furry little creature next to his head.

The hated one ( WMMAP male oc ) Where stories live. Discover now