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Third person pov

" I didn't know you could speak "

Claude said as he glanced at Athanasia then at Arius who had sat as far as possible from him. As Claude nonchalantly waited for Athanasia to reply , Athanasia was going through a inner turmoil.

' Ah. Athy talk , talk!!  '

Athanasia felt fear grip her heart but with a few more motivational session going inside her head she mustered up her courage.

" Not much of a talker ? Athy can talk"

Athanasia smiled adorably , her eyes shut close as she smiled . Her lips quirked up with what seemed to be joy . Arius felt another wave of confusion hit him as he watched her.

' Weird . I didn't think she behaved like that but it's not like I knew her back then either '

Arius  thought , his gaze lingering on her smile .

"  Finally I get to hear your voice . Why did you stay silent until now ? "

Claude spoke staring at the young princess before him in amusement.

" Pardon me your majesty but little girls around her age are known to be shy "

Felix explained with a polite smile

Arius tilted his head towards Felix before moving his gaze back at the table . A sudden wave of discomfort hit him as he knew Felix would've never said that had he been the one being questioned.

" Is that so ? Then , are you also shy Arius ? "

Claude mused , his attention shifting to Arius who flinched slightly from the sudden attention .

' why is this thing .....talking to me '

Arius panicked slightly but held himself together.

" Not at all , your majesty . I would like to believe I am not that shy "

Arius replied , his tone calm and polite . Arius shifted slightly when he felt Athanasia stare at him with unseen intensity.

' huh ? In the Novel... he was also told to be extremely shy when he was young '

Athanasia pondered trying her best to keep the endearing act of her together.

Arius kept his gaze locked on the cup of tea before him , the warm afternoon light filled the room and the exhaustion from the training was catching up to him. Arius took a little sip from the tea trying to stay awake.

' You pieces of shits !! Fuck you all !! I would have preferred to get beat up rather than drink tea beside this scum '

Arius thought feeling frustrated with the current events . While he cursed and cursed inside his mind , he acted as politely as he could on the outer surface.  Arius's gaze lingered a bit longer on Athanasia , observing his sister and her fake smile .

The hated one ( WMMAP male oc ) Where stories live. Discover now