oh no

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Arius stared at the water, his eyes gleaming with unseen wonder as he admired the twinkling surface, reflecting the light.

Athanasia didn't know why, but she felt at peace with Arius by her side, even though the silence between Claude felt awkward. The same silence felt calming with Arius.

'I wonder if my eyes look as pretty as his. '

Athanasia thought as she admired the look of wonder on her brother's face. She felt the corner of her lips curve up slightly as she watched.

'He's just a child... I wonder why, in the novel, Claude never showed even a sprinkle of kindness to him... Yes, he may hate us, but... to be so cruel... to go as far as to behead Arius... how dare he...'

Athanasia clenched her fist in frustration and anger, remembering the first time she read that section of the novel. To say she was shocked would be an understatement; she was utterly flabbergasted.

She truly adored the character of Arius, but to see him die by the hands of his own father, whom he held so dear to his heart, truly had her sobbing. She felt little droplets of tears gather in the corner of her eyes as she thought.

She flinched when a something soft gently brushed her cheek.

"....here... I just grabbed these lilies from the pond."

Arius said, gently placing them in her palms. ' aww , was he worried about me? ' Athanasia stared at the pretty flowers with a look of awe; she smiled, genuinely.

"Thank you... brother."

Arius's eyes widened slightly as her words reached him , a unfamiliar sense of warmth filled his chest .

Athanasia's smile grew bigger when she noticed a smile forming on Arius's lips.

'Kyahh! How adorable!'

She squealed inside her mind


Arius was just staring at the water when he felt someone staring at him relentlessly. He turned around only to be met with a look of awe on her face.

'She's daydreaming.'

Arius concluded and was about to turn his attention back to the pond, but he felt his body freeze when he noticed her expression slowly turn into one of frustration and sadness.

He saw a few droplets of tears forming on her eyes. Arius wanted to turn back and pretend as if he didn't see that, but he couldn't. He quickly caught a lily from nearby and brushed her cheek with the flower.

'...oh, that was...weird of me.'

Arius thought, cringing inside.

'Whatever... just take this flower and... wipe that sad expression off... it's ugly on you...'

Arius murmured to himself and placed it in her hand.

"....here... I just grabbed these lilies from the pond."

He said, shoving the flower towards her. He was about to turn around and leave this awkward one-sided conversation but felt his body freeze again when his eyes landed on her grateful expression.

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