The cut that always bleeds

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Arius didn't know why, but he could feel something was off. Call it his instinct or guts, but Arius knew something bad was about to happen. He just didn't know what.

Rays of sunlight entered his office through the open window, bringing a cooling breeze that was soothing to the touch. Arius leaned back in the chair, closing his eyes while enjoying the warmth of the sunlight and the soft breeze.

For a brief moment, Arius forgot his worries and simply relaxed. Suddenly, the air shifted inside the room, but Arius kept his calm with his eyes closed, as he immediately recognized the intruder.

Arius wouldn't say it out loud, but he recognized it was Lucas just by the slight sensation of his mana, the way the air hummed when he teleported inside the room, and the relaxed steps he took towards his desk. Arius could recognize Lucas without sight. Arius was confident he would know Lucas by the way his feet struck the earth and the rhythm of his breath.

Lucas cautiously walked near Arius's desk, observing his still form. Assuming Arius was asleep and taking a nap after completing his files, Lucas made his footsteps as silent as possible.

Hours could pass, but Lucas wouldn't notice it, as he was too busy appreciating every nook and cranny of Arius's face. From the slight curve of his nose bridge to his soft lips, Lucas couldn't see a single flaw in Arius. Even if there was a flaw in Arius, it was perfection in Lucas's eyes.

Lucas sighed, fondly staring at Arius who seemed to be asleep in his chair. This kind of feeling was something Lucas had never once experienced; the bitter feeling when Ijikiel stepped close to Arius felt sickening, and this warm, almost fluffy feeling when it was just himself and Arius together.

Was this what they call love? Lucas silently wondered while his fingertips danced on Arius's head, caressing the soft locks of hair on his head.

'How long is he going to stand here while playing with my hair?'

Arius thought, trying to ignore the itch in his neck. Lucas noticed the slight twitch in Arius's face. He held back a snicker and took a step back before flicking Arius's forehead.

Arius slowly pried his eyes open and scratched his neck, glaring at Lucas for flicking his forehead.

"You didn't have to do that," Arius commented, his face slightly scrunched, feeling the slight throb on his forehead.

"Why not?" Lucas snickered, back to his usual smug self. Lucas tried not to make his adoration obvious. The way Arius scrunched his face, resembling a kitten, was such an adorable sight to him that Lucas felt like he had to battle devils just to make sure his blood didn't rush to his cheeks.

"So, why are you here?" Arius raised his eyebrow, curious as to why Lucas was awkwardly coughing while scratching the back of his head. Not to mention Lucas's neck was weirdly red.

"I'm going to be away for a while," Lucas replied after clearing his throat. Arius raised his head, staring back at Lucas with a look of confusion. Back in his past life, Lucas had left him because Lucas used to think of him as a nuisance and a burden to his plans.

Arius wondered if this was the case in this life too. Arius hoped it was not what he thought because if it was, Arius wouldn't hesitate to slit his own neck. He didn't want to go through the same bout of pain again. Arius didn't want to be picked up only to be abandoned later.

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