Kiss ?

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A few weeks had passed since the debutante. Arius could now relax and spend his time leisurely, as he was sure his sister was no longer in danger. Arius was slowly reading some books when suddenly a wild Lucas appeared in his room without any warning.

Arius frowned slightly at Lucas, who barged into his study room like he owned it. Lucas didn't pay attention to Arius's annoyed glare. Lucas would dare say he found Arius's frown quite endearing and adorable, but the fear of hair loss prevented him from speaking his thoughts out loud.

"Your sister is having quite the tea party in the rose garden," Lucas said, leisurely sitting on top of Arius's desk. Arius glared at Lucas, whose butt was right in front of him.

"Get off, you're dirtying my desk," Arius murmured, trying to push Lucas out of the way. Lucas snickered and stayed put, not letting Arius have his way. With no other options, Arius stood up and grabbed a fistful of Lucas's hair.

"Get your dirty ass off my desk right now," Arius lightly pulled on Lucas's hair as an initial warning. Meanwhile, Lucas was more shocked at Arius's vulgar language than the warning. With a slightly stronger pull, Lucas finally fell off Arius's desk.

Arius stared down at Lucas, who was still in a daze, and sighed tiredly. Staring down, Arius was now sure Lucas certainly had a couple of screws loose in his head.

"So you said Athy was having a tea party. What about that?" Arius spoke, pulling Lucas out of his dazed state. Lucas cleared his throat and stood up, patting down his clothes. Lucas recovered from the initial shock and glanced at Arius, who was wiping his desk.

The warm rays of light that entered through the window made Arius look ethereal, and Lucas couldn't help but wonder if the person he was seeing right now and that hair-pulling demon were the same person. The more Lucas stared, the more he forgot about the reason he came to Arius's study room.

If he could, Lucas would be content staring at Arius his whole life. Arius stared back at Lucas, who was in a daze again. Arius couldn't help but wonder if Lucas had drunk alcohol before coming into his room.

"What were you saying about Athy's tea party?" Arius repeated his question, closing his book and placing it on a bookshelf nearby. Lucas snapped out of his daze and cleared his throat again.

"Well, don't you think we should go check out what's going on?" Lucas suggested. He was getting quite bored after spending the whole day in the tower. And what better way to entertain himself than to annoy Athanasia?

Arius slightly narrowed his eyes at Lucas. He could see through Lucas's intentions without him having to say it out loud. Honestly, Arius couldn't help but wonder why Athanasia and Lucas always liked to annoy each other.

"Fine then, let's go."

Arius stared down at his clothes and deemed them formal enough, but he wondered if he should change into some other outfit to make a good impression on his sister's friends.

So, for the next half hour, Lucas and Arius went through his clothes. Lucas thought Arius looked good in any and every outfit, but Arius was hard to please. Arius finally picked something that looked casual yet formal and called it a day. Lucas wouldn't say it, but he enjoyed watching the usually stoic Arius fuss over his outfit choice—it was adorable.

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