Deja vu

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"Lucas, practice dancing with me?" Athanasia asked, tilting her head slightly to the side. She tried to make as little noise as possible since Arius was napping on the nearby sofa, his head resting on Lucas's lap.

Even though she was annoyed that Arius was sleeping on the creepy old guy's lap, she held back her complaints because Arius was finally taking a break from his thesis. He looked too comfortable to disturb.

Lucas lazily leaned back on the sofa, pointed at Arius, and shrugged his shoulders, one of his hands playing with Arius's soft hair. Athanasia knew that even if Arius wasn't sleeping on his lap, Lucas would not have agreed to her request.

She would have asked Arius if he were awake, but he wasn’t. Athanasia huffed, feeling slightly frustrated. Lucas stared down at Arius, who had fallen asleep while Athanasia was praising him for his determination.

Lucas's eyes lingered on Arius's face, taking in every detail from the small mole on his cheek to his eyebrows. Arius seemed flawless. Had they been alone, Lucas would have caressed Arius's face.

"Psst! Hey, stop staring at Arius like that," Athanasia whisper-yelled, her adorable face twisted into a threatening frown. Lucas looked at Athanasia and then at Arius, snickering as he made smooching gestures to irritate her.

"Here, dance with this," Lucas snapped his fingers, and a lanky paper figure appeared before Athanasia, shocking her. Internally fuming, Athanasia pointed at Lucas and then made a cutting motion across her neck to warn him.

Without much care, Lucas stuck his tongue out to infuriate Athanasia further. Unable to contain her anger, Athanasia stood up and turned away, hoping it would bring some peace. She focused on dancing with the paper figure that fluttered in the air, gritting her teeth and making plans for Lucas's destruction while she danced.

Although Athanasia was great at dancing, she wanted to ensure she didn't step on Claude or Arius's feet during the debutante. Meanwhile, Lucas chose to stay silent and calmly admire Arius's face. He couldn't understand how someone so angelic could be a hair-pulling demon.

His fingers gently danced on top of Arius's head, enjoying the softness and warmth. Lucas didn't know what he was feeling, but he sure enjoyed it. If he had to describe the warmth he felt in the pit of his stomach, the only words that came to mind were fluttering butterflies.

'Gosh, it must be because I'm spending too much time with these brats. Have I gone soft?'

Lucas stared down at Arius, who was contentedly napping after working on his thesis all night following a meeting with Ren. Lucas gently caressed Arius's forehead, checking his temperature to ensure he was fine. He also checked Arius's mana reserves.

'Everything seems good. His magic ability is a bit strong, though. I should have offered to teach him when we first met.'

Lucas sighed, ensuring the warm weather wasn't suffocating Arius, and cast a cooling spell around them.

Athanasia, who was continuously watching Lucas get chummy with her brother, glared at him. If looks could kill, Lucas would have died a thousand times. As she was busy glaring at him, she lost her balance while dancing and fell on top of the paper figure, which collapsed under her weight.

Lucas snickered at the sight of Athanasia on the ground and smirked, taunting her further. Arius slowly stirred awake and yawned. Athanasia and Lucas froze for a moment, watching Arius's adorable yawn.

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