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Arius found peace as he felt his life seeping out of his body, all those years of silent struggle and exhaustion finally leaving him. He relished the feeling of his warm blood staining his skin, but what he didn't find peaceful was the pain.

Maybe Arius shouldn't have lodged the knife inside his chest. Maybe then he wouldn't feel suffocated by the sensation of blood filling his lungs instead of air. Though it was painful, Arius held his eyes shut, awaiting his death.

He didn't try to wonder what was happening or where he was; all Arius focused on was keeping his eyes tightly shut because if he were to open them and see a ceiling, Arius would be terribly disappointed.

He would even feel a bit embarrassed if he were to awake after saying he would trade his life for Athanasia's, only for him to still be alive. Arius hoped everything would be fine even after he leaves.

He wouldn't openly admit it, but Arius had grown fond of his three friends.

When he no longer felt the aching pain in his chest, Arius opened his eyes, only to be met with a blinding white light. A tinge of hope gathered in his heart at the prospect of being able to meet his mother again, or maybe...just maybe...meet his Lucas.

But among the blinding whiteness surrounding Arius, he saw someone he didn't expect. Arius wondered if he was just hallucinating or dreaming after dying. Arius's eyes met the eyes that resembled his own.

In front of Arius stood Arius himself, although the one who stood before him was smaller and younger. Arius stared at the younger Arius, who also stared back, just as confused.

Growing more confused, Arius decided to call the little version of himself Ari.

The younger Arius, namely Ari for now, stared up with a startled gaze, taking a few steps back after seeing his older lookalike.

Observing the scared actions of the younger him, Arius knew it was him before he was killed, possibly after Lucas left him. But why was he in front of his past self? Arius wondered as he searched for any traces of magic.

After making sure it was not an illusion caused by spells, Arius then wondered where he was. Was this the supposed afterlife? But Arius had never seen such a place, even when he had encountered death before.

"...why do you look like me?"

Ari asked, albeit nervously. Arius snapped out of his thoughts and stared down at the little him.

It was quite strange; he was staring at his past while his past was staring at his future. Now faced with a direct question, Arius wondered how he should break the news to his younger self.

"...you're me, aren't you?"

Ari questioned, staring up at Arius with curious eyes.

'...I'm...quite intelligent,'

Arius thought, amazed by the intelligence the younger him displayed, analyzing the situation even in such a bizarre environment.

"....yes, precisely. I am you, just a bit older."

Arius replied, and he could see the younger him visibly relax. Ari now walked near Arius without worry because why would his older self hurt him, anyway?

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