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Arius quietly walked to the palace with Lucy by his side to guide him . For some reason she couldn't stop talking , gossiping as if he was a friend she knew for years.

" Your highness , you've been asleep for a whole day !"

Lucy exclaimed with worry. Arius simply turned to take a quick glance at her to see if her concern was genuine or not. When he noticed her glassy eyes , he felt his tensed muscles relax slowly .

' why does she care ?'

Arius frowned and continued walking not replying to her words of concerns.

" I heard his majesty and the princess had dinner together yesterday. Sir Felix was  talking about how The princess sang a lullaby for His Majesty"

Lucy kept on talking about the recent events that had occured. Arius halted his steps not believing what his ears just heard.

" . . . . . . A Lullaby ?"

Arius asked curiously. Lucy nodded her head with a bright smile.

" And what else happened?"

Lucy took a step and replied.

" His majesty sent like a dozen of maids to ruby palace . And Sir Felix was also assigned to be Princess's personal guard "

Arius didn't know why but his heart felt heavy as he listened to her words. He wondered what had truly caused such changes in both Claude and Felix.

The Claude and Felix he knew back then were cold and unapproachable. Like a sky , you can only extend your hand to try to touch them and never reach it.

Arius frowned as he remembered just how many times he had extended his hand towards them only to be turned down . He couldn't count how many times his hands were slapped away before it could reach even a tip of their clothes.

Now looking back , he understood his father's hatred towards him but he simply couldn't discern what he had done to achieve such treatment from Felix.

" His majesty sent those servants to the ruby Palace with the words that the princess should be treated well "

Lucy continued , observing Arius's face for any change of emotions but all she was met with was his usual stoic expression with a hint of amusement.

' .....he said he will treat her well ?...'

Arius scoffed and continued his walk towards the palace .

' If he could have cared for us since the beginning , why did he not do it ? Was his grieve so great that he had to make us suffer with him ? '

Arius sighed.

' at the very least . . . . . . I'm glad to know. . . . . . Athanasia won't be mistreated . . . . . . .  I don't trust Claude's words but. . . . . he hasn't done anything to her yet .'

The hated one ( WMMAP male oc ) Where stories live. Discover now