Debutante II

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Arius stood far from them and silently watched as the second song ended. He was glad everything was going well tonight. He wanted Athanasia to have the best day ever. His fists clenched tightly as he wondered what he would do if Roger Alpheus decided to introduce Jennette today.

Even though deep down Arius knew it was not Jennette's fault, he couldn't simply forget the ridicule he and Athanasia went through when she was introduced as Claude's lost daughter. The pitiful gazes, along with those looks of disgust cast upon them, Arius wouldn't dare forget it.

So, even if it meant murdering an innocent, Arius was willing to do anything just so Athanasia wouldn't go through what she did in his past life.

Anyone who dared take a peek at Arius felt a cold shiver run down their spine. Arius's eyes looked as cold as ice and merciless.

'. . . If they decide to introduce her today. . . I'll kill them and then myself. . . .'

Arius steeled his resolve and glanced around, searching for Roger Alpheus. He finally caught sight of the man after looking around for a while. However, his attention was grabbed by the black-haired man next to Roger Alpheus. Arius narrowed his eyes, trying to get a better look.

For a moment, Arius's eyes met that of the black-haired stranger. Arius didn't know why, but he sensed a similar mana around the man, and there was something sinister hidden within. Before Arius could come to a proper conclusion, the black-haired stranger stepped back and disappeared from his field of vision.

'. . . Weird. . . He definitely looked similar to Claude.'

Arius couldn't properly detect the use of disguise by Anastacius due to the distance between them. Arius begrudgingly decided to walk down the stairs after the third song was over.

Arius looked around, avoiding the admiring gazes of other people. He didn't give them a single piece of his mind as he walked around, hoping to catch sight of his sister. Arius noticed his father standing a little afar.

Arius was about to walk towards Claude and Felix but stopped when he felt someone hesitantly hold onto his cape.

"Um, would you like to dance with me, Your Highness?"

Arius heard a voice call out to him. He was about to refuse, but when he turned around and met the eyes of the girl who asked him, Arius was baffled.

Jennette nervously fidgeted with her fingers, which were lightly holding onto Arius's cape. She hoped she was not making a bad first impression on her brother. Jennette nervously peeked up to take a look at Arius, who was blankly staring back at her.

Other young ladies silently gasped at Jennette's courage. Most of them regretted not gathering the courage to ask Arius for a dance. This was probably their one and only chance to dance with the Prince, after all.

Arius narrowed his eyes at Jennette and wondered what exactly the Alpheus family was up to with this tactic. But in actuality, there were no mind games or tactics involved; Jennette simply wanted to dance with her half-brother, and Arius was just overthinking.

'. . .well. . . a dance wouldn't hurt. . .'

Arius sighed and stretched his arm towards her, silently accepting her offer. Jennette's smile widened, and she gladly held Arius's arm. Imaginary flowers bloomed in the background as her happiness knew no boundaries at this moment.

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