Alone again

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Arius had somewhat gotten used to the constant presence of Lucas who watched over him , like a shield , preventing him from any sort of harm . Today , just like what seemed to be any other day , Arius came back from the morning tea with his sister and Claude.

Arius couldn't help but sigh as his legs started to ache a little by walking a distance from The main Palace to the Sapphire Palace. He had gotten used to being carried on Lucas's back within these two years , Arius wondered why Lucas didn't accompany him today.

Arius had so many things to tell to Lucas at the moment .

Arius finally reached his own bedroom and pried the doors open , he walked inside and closed the door behind him . Arius saw Lucas crouched down on the foot of his bed , his breathing laboured and heavy.

" Lucas ?"

Arius called out , quickly making his way towards Lucas . Lucas slowly raised his head and a pained expression painted his face.

Lucas wanted anything but for Arius to be there as he died and took his last breath. Lucas wished he could at least depart from Arius leaving a sweet memory behind but he couldn't .

Fear tugged on every single heartstring of Arius's heart , that had grown fragile with time .

" Lucas , wha-what's happening to you ? Why didn't you tell me you were sick "

Arius stuttered , unable to speak more coherent words as his entire being was trembling at the thought of losing Lucas.

Lucas gently patted Arius's head , stroking his soft locks of hair for one last time . Lucas pulled Arius into his chest for a embrace , Arius's lips trembled as he held his tears back . Arius didn't know what was happening and why it was happening but all he could do was hope.

Hope that it was just some sick prank Lucas played on him from time to time for his own amusement.

" . . . . Arius .  . "

Lucas called out Arius's name gently , had Arius not been so close to Lucas he would not have been able to hear Lucas's voice at all. At that time , Arius realized Lucas was getting weak , he was losing his life.

" Lucas ! What's happening?! I'll go get a royal doctor for you !! Please . . "

Arius held his tears back , his voice cracking and trembling like a dry leaf.

" Please . . . Don't leave me "

Lucas smiled , though the corner of his eyes were glistening with tears he tried to stay strong for Arius . When at the face of death , Lucas realized even he felt a bit scared . Lucas tightly wrapped his arms around Arius's trembling body , mustering up every bit of strength he had left in his dying body to do so.

" Arius . . .look . . Look at me "

Lucas spoke , looking down to take a better look at Arius , his eyes tracing over every nooks and crannies of Arius's face. This would be the last time Lucas would see Arius and he was going to make sure that this image won't depart him even after his death.

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