Family (AM, AR, AS, LG, MS)

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a/n- in this addison doesn't move to LA

Addison Montgomery, Arizona Robbins, Amelia Shepherd, Lexie Grey, Mark Sloan.

'Hey Dr. Robbins!' I sit up on the stretcher as my aunt, Arizona, walks over to me. 'Y/n, what are you doing here? Does your mom know you're here?' She asks, looking around for Mom. 'Not yet, I was hoping somebody paged her. I was in the shooting.' I explain. 'Are you okay?' Arizona begins checking me for bullet wounds and I push her hand away. 'I wasn't hurt, don't worry. I helped this other kid, Alice Jenkins? She doesn't have an exit wound but I got the bullet out with a pair of tweezers.' I point at a kid across the E.R.

'Y/n! I just heard. Were you hurt?' Mom runs over in a frenzy. 'She's fine, Addison.' Arizona says. 'Go help Alice, I'll get checked out by an intern and then go upstairs to a gallery.' I tell Mom and Arizona. They hesitate but go anyway and I get out of a stretcher and call over a resident.

'Lexie!' I hiss. She looked up and catches me waving to her. 'I need you to check me out so I can go watch a surgery.' Lexie laughs. 'Fine, I'll be quick but find a good surgery and tell me everything, okay?' I nod and she takes her stethoscope from around her neck. 'Does Mark know you're here?' She asks. Marks my godfather but he's more like a dad. When Mom got pregnant with me, she didn't know who the father was. She moved to Seattle for a fresh start and Mark followed her. He was there when I was born, and I've made him a card every Father's Day since I could write.

'Not yet. Somebody will page him soon.' I answer. 'You look good. Go upstairs.' She waves me away and I happily obey, heading straight to O.R 2.

Halfway through the surgery, Mark comes in. He sits down next to me and I tell him everything that's happened. When Dr. Hunt is in the middle of cauterising a wound, Chief Webber walks in.

'Hunt, where are the patients clothes?' Owen points to a bag in the corner of the room, which a nurse holds up. Inside is a blue jacket and black jeans. I hold my breath waiting for Webbers next words. 'You're operating on the shooter. Page me when you're finished.' He leaves and suddenly I feel sick.

'Wanna go kick the vending machine for free candy?' Mark suggests, but I shake my head. 'It's so hot... I cant breathe!' I run out of the gallery and sprint to the window, unlatching it and breathing the fresh air in heavily. I rip off my jacket and throw it to the floor. I pant, trying to inhale as much air as possible.

When my lungs are filled, I sink to the floor and sigh. Mark sits next to me for a little while, until I feel well enough to stand. 'Do you need another minute?' He asks. I shake my head. He leads me into an on call room. 'Take a nap, you've had a long day. I'll wake you if there are any updates, now go to sleep.' I try to argue but he pushes me into the bed, so I give up fighting and close my eyes.

I'm shaken awake three hours later, boiling hot and sweating. Arizonas standing in the corner of the room. 'Y/n, Alice passed away during surgery. Her injuries were too severe, I'm very sorry.' She informs me. I sit silently for a minute but eventually nod. 'Okay. Thank you for telling me. What happened to the shooter?' I ask. 'He survived and was taken into custody by the police.' Arizona answers. Anger rises in my chest but I push it down. 'Alright. Where's Mom?'

I finally go home about four hours later and I pass out on the couch without having dinner. Mom wakes me in the morning for breakfast, but I only eat a piece of toast. She asks more than once if I'm okay, but I stick to the same answer; Would you be?

After breakfast I go into my room and read a book. I get through three pages before I give up and fall asleep again. I fall in and out of sleep, and each time I feel comfortable for a moment before remembering what happened. My heart sinks and I go back to dreaming that nothing ever happened to Alice.

When Mom wakes me for dinner I feel dizzy and hot. 'Hon, you have to eat. You haven't eaten since 8 this morning, and it's 10 PM. I've been at work all day.' She pushes a plate towards me. 'Im not hungry, sorry. I'll save it for tomorrow.'

The cycle repeats the next day, and the next, and the next.

It only ends when Amelia comes to visit. Amelia's my godmother, but I don't see her very often. She lives in L.A.

She wakes me at 3PM, grinning at me. 'What are you doing here?' I mumble. 'Your mom was worried about you, so I'm babysitting while she's at work. Get showered, we're going shopping.'

The shower helps me feel normal again, which I think was apart of Amelias plan. I get changed into clean clothes and she brings me to Target.

'So, do you have your eye on anyone in school?' She asks, pushing the trolley through the aisles.

'No, all the eligible bachelors were shot.' I say thoughtlessly, reading the ingredients on a box of who-knows-what. I look up and see a blank expression painted on Amelias face. 'That was a joke. I still have a sense of humour.' I tell her. 'Funny. You're funny.'

'Yeah, I tend to be.'

Amelia keeps pushing the trolley mindlessly, only stopping if she sees something that looks nice. 'I don't like boys. There was a girl, Alice. We were dating. She died during the shooting. That's why I've been so...' I trail off.

'Oh. Y/n, I'm so sorry. I had no idea you felt that way towards anybody, let alone a girl.' Amelia says. 'Mom doesn't know yet, so please don't tell her.' I avoid eye contact, scared Ill cry in the middle of the grocery store. 'Of course. We can go home, and I'll make lunch?' She suggests. 'Sure.'

For the first time in three weeks, I eat something that isn't plain toast.

Amelia makes me sit and eat a full sandwich, and it's only then that I realise how hungry I've been. 'Is it good? I'm not a good cook, sandwiches are all I can make.' She asks hopefully. 'It's good, thank you.' I take another bite.

Mom gets home a few hours later. 'You're awake!' She states, a little too excited. 'Yeah, and I ate.' I tell her.

'That's great, because I need to talk to you.' I sit down and the table and wait for her to say something.

'We're moving.'

'What? What do you mean moving?' I stand up angrily. 'To Los Angeles. Amelia got me a job there, and it's much safer for you than here.' I shake my head furiously. 'No. I have friends here, I have a family here. What about Mark, and Arizona, and Lexie? I can't lose them!' Tears stream down my cheeks before I can stop them. 'Okay, it's okay. Sit down, it's alright.' Mom says, trying to help but it only makes me cry more. The tears don't stop, and eventually I just stand up and go to my bedroom, locking the door behind me.

I wake up in the middle of the night with a tear stained pillow. Sitting up, I take a sip of water and sigh. It's crazy how much one guy with a gun can screw up someone's life. Before this I was happy. I had a girlfriend, straight As and a family. Now I have nothing. School started back last week and I couldn't go in. My family is being torn apart by Mom, and my girlfriend was shot by some fucking moron.

I begin to pace my bedroom, trying to think up a reason we shouldn't move. I take out my phone and text Mark

you up?

yeah. what's going on?

I write everything I'm thinking down and I send it to him. A couple minutes later I get a reply.

I'll talk to her in the morning. get some sleep

Defeated, I put my phone down and get back into bed. I have heavy insomnia, and I can't sleep once I've woken up, so I just lie in bed until somebody else wakes up so I have a reason to leave my room.

I'm getting a drink of water the next morning when Mom walks in. 'If you don't want to move, then we won't, yet.' She adds. 'But you're going to a different school, okay?' I nod and hug her tightly. 'Thank you!' I squeal in happiness. 'You also have to eat, so I'm making omelets.' She grabs the eggs and cracks one into a pan.

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