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Ever since the Garcia boys moved in, life had been so confusing. There was now Lee, who happened to be one of the sweetest kids I had ever met. Well after he ran over my foot a few times with his skateboard.

Me and Lee got along just fine, he wasn't the problem.

The only problem I ever had was Isaac Garcia. From the moment we met I just knew he was going to be complicated. Not in a way to complicate living with, a way where he never wanted to talk to me. He treated me as if I was the dirt on his shoe.

And anyone who knows me is that I like to match other peoples energy. That includes when they are being a dick to me for no reason.

For instance when the parents were away Isaac would say things like, "wow do you guys smell that, I'm pretty sure Amelia just entered the room."

"Wait it's me? Because I could have sworn I was smelling your huge ego from the kitchen, smells awful." He would always fake a smile when I commented back.

And our pranks on each other were worse than the ones me and Cole had ever done to each other. These pranks were like the Alex vs. Cole ones. Especially since Cole was away, it was now Amelia vs. Isaac in the house.

An example, I once made a scavenger hunt for him to find his well loved leather jacket, leaving it at the top of the roof.

He once took all my books and made them into a cake with out baking them and just icing. After he did that I was so made I told the whole cheer squad he had mono and harpies.

Pranks weren't the only thing, we competed in nearly everything. He was always trying new stuff and because I didn't do anything I decided to as well.

Competing in art, board games, athletics, baking, and anything we could get our hands on. We made comments at each other, pulled pranks, competed, argued, and even physically fought with each other. Although he would never hurt me, I left a few bruises on him.

It was so hard to get along with him. No matter how many times I tried, and it's not like I didn't try. He just never wanted to open up to me or even be friends to began with. Which would have shocked me when we first met, because the way he looked at me.

I don't know how to describe when we first met.

It was like meeting someone you knew from another life almost. If Isaac ever heard me say that he would never let me live it down. In fact he would laugh, make a snarky comment, and then hold it over my head threatening to tell people I almost liked him. I liked him for a single moment. I liked him till he scoffed in my face when we were introduced, and pushed my shoulder as he walked past me.

I'll never understand why Isaac Garcia hated me so much. I knew why I didn't like him through.

His a play boy, a total asshole, insensitive to girls and just people in general, and he has no shame for nothing.

A N G E L~ Isaac Garcia x OCWhere stories live. Discover now