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In my experience with meeting new people I had never once met someone with such an interesting story like Jackie Howard.

She lived in New York all her life, in one of the most richest complexes and schools. Her parents were famous fashion designers, until the accident. Her mom, dad, and older sister had died in a terrible car accident.

Leaving her with only money and a trip to live with the Walter.

Some girls at school would argue that it might have been the best thing to happen to her. She had literally won the lottery and she got to live with a bunch of teenage boys.

I didn't like to view her like that at all though. I know how hard it can be to be alone. I just had always been alone, so I didn't know what it was like to have your whole family ripped away from you. Truthfully, I didn't think anyone deserved that even if they had a horrible personality. No body deserves to be alone.

That morning was school and Jackie first day of school. I wore a tight red, long sleeve shirt with three buttons undone at the top. With khaki cargo pants, red and white air forces, and small silver earrings. I had always kept my hair down, because it wouldn't go any other way for me.

I walked down stairs with my white backpack, and saw the chaos everyone was in on every Monday of school. Katherine had pointed to me, "Amelia your breakfast is next to Isaac and Alex." I nodded as I look over to see Isaac smiling at me.

I raise my eyebrow in thoughts of him doing something to my food. As I walk to my food I stare down at it then to him. "Eat up princess." My face squints at the food as I notice Ketchup on top with a smile face.

News flash I hate ketchup on anything. I don't like tomato's, it's the only thing I have ever been picky about before in my life. I roll my eyes as I turn to Alex instead.

"Still reading that book?" I ask him, he nods his head and looks up to me. "I'm so close to finishing it, and when I get done we can rant about it later." I smile at him and nod my head as I grab an apple.


Katherine turns to Jordan as I watch, "Jordan, what is it?" "I can't find Rumple." My eyes widened, because everyone knew how scared I was of that snake. I mean his freaking huge, of course I'm scared of him.

Isaac nudges my shoulder, "scared his going to eat you?" He asks with a cheeky grin. I just shoved his shoulder lightly as I saw Katherine and Jordan looking for the snake.

"Okay. Everybody keep an eye out for Rumple, all right?"

Just as she said that everyone started to get ready to either go on the bus or leave with Cole. I was one of the lucky ones to ride with Cole, in the front with Danny. I sat in the middle since I was the only one small enough, besides Lee but I was older. We had to make seating arrangements for Jackie so she could fit.

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