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Ever since I have known Amelia, I've always wanted to be the only thing she looked at.

I guess you could say that's why I treated her the way I did, but I also didn't want to be the reason she cried one day. I wanted to always protect Amelia. That's why I never said anything I knew she couldn't handle, or fought back with her when she was kicking my ass. I wanted to protect her from pain.

Most of all I was scared to be the very reason she was ever in pain or heartbreak. Amelia dreamed to be loved, but with being loved comes heartbreak. I never wanted to put her through the same thing my dad went through with my mom.

I wanted to protect Amelia.

Somehow I couldn't control myself anymore, that night I heard her signing in the shower. I automatically smiled at her voice, it was like a siren calling me. So I opened the door.

I could barley see her through the shower curtain, he body perfectly shaped as she washed her hair. Scared she would think I was spying on her I grabbed the nearest thing, her clothes. And well you know the rest.

When I saw her in only a towel it was like I couldn't help how my body moved to her. Like an attraction, an attraction to something I shouldn't have been. That was the scary part of it all, I couldn't define the feeling. I couldn't define the attraction I had to Amelia. It was like a force pulling me to her, and every day it grew stronger.

The moment I closed the door, I was thinking of her again. Her smile, her big brown eyes, her long hair, and especially how her body was perfectly shaped. It was so frustrating to feel like this. I couldn't help it, I couldn't help liking Amelia as much as I did.

In a boys mind when he can't control something, he ignores it. That's what I had planned to do to Amelia. Ignore her, ignore my feelings for her, and especially ignore the attraction.

I woke up that morning determined to not see her, instead their was another prank to be made on another girl. Before my encounter with Amelia last night, me and Cole had made a bet. I said Jackie wouldn't go to school with bleach hair let alone out of the bathroom. Cole thought otherwise, thinking she would be to determined to go to school no matter what.

Lee, Jordan and Benny were able to help us achieve this goal. When she knocked on the door to use the shower after her run. "Woah what are you doing?" I could hear from my room Lee ask the girl. "Waiting for the bathroom Coles inside."

Lee was quick to get on her, "I know Coles inside, I'm next, see?" Other footsteps could be heard around them. "There's a schedule to use the bathroom?"

Danny had informed her, "yeah only in the mornings though."

"It gets hectic with everyone waiting on the pretty boy Cole to get done, that's why I shower at night." I heard her voice from behind the door as I eavesdropped. Amelia could be heard walking down the stairs as she spoke. "I'm sure you meant Isaac, Amelia, because his the one who spends hours trying to make himself pretty."

A N G E L~ Isaac Garcia x OCWhere stories live. Discover now