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The whole weekend seemed like a huge blur now. Just wanting to forget it all.

I stayed with Erin the whole time, and Noelle and Maya showed up to help as well. It was nice spending time with all of them, but it was sad not to have Olivia there. We weren't all attached at the hip like me and Maya, but we were always there for each other. That's all that mattered, girl code.

When I got home I wasn't all that thrilled to talk to anyone, especially Isaac.

Before even making my way to the house, I made a paid Cole a quick visit. He was working on his truck in the shop. I walked inside calmly, "how's the face?"

He looked up to see it was me, "fine, it's not like you care though." I sit in the stole next to the table. "Why do you think that is?" I asked him. He shrugged.

"Might have something to do with how you have been treating the female race" I cross my arms looking toward him and the truck. He sighs as he puts the hood down, "what do you want me to do? Huh? What's done is done I can't change that."

I rolled my eyes turning my gaze in another direction. The direction of something I didn't think I would see. Jackie teapot, in a box with a letter. The box was on his table, with glue and pieces around it. I turn back to look at him as continues to work on the truck.

"Jackie really is a great girl."

He scoffs, "you gonna tell me to back off to?"

I get up from my seat and walk to face him. I shake my head looking toward him, "no, because I already know you can't. No matter what Cole... I will always be rooting for you."

He gave me a soft look. I smiled up to him, "but you better get your shit together. Because I hate being disappointed."

Before anything else could be said I turned on my heel to walk out of his shop.

I knew in my heart Cole didn't deserve Jackie, and let's be honest, neither did Alex. Cole cared for her so much though, he just didn't know how he could ever compete to his brother.

It was never Alex vs Cole. It was Cole vs himself.

Next day

When we all got to school that day, it felt like rumors were spiraling every where. Some about Cole and Alex, about Paige, Jackie, Nathan and Skylar, and even me with Adam.

The rumors about me and Adam didn't help when he created me at the front entrance. Lee and Nathan were by my side while Isaac was following behind.

I didn't want to give him the time of day, especially after what he said.

"Hey Amelia, boys." Adam greater me with his hand waving to the boys. I smiled at him remembering everything I did at the party. I guess it wouldn't have been a big deal, if I hadn't kissed him.

A N G E L~ Isaac Garcia x OCWhere stories live. Discover now