T W E N T Y - O N E

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This wasn't supposed to be my story, I'm supposed to be the character no one paid attention to. This was Jackie story, not mine.

This is the story of how Cole finally found himself and how he fell for Jackie. A story where Alex gave every bit of his love to Jackie.

This was Jackie story. The now orphan child living with a whole new family, full of hormonal boys. Where two boys would fight over a girl who was grieving over her family.

Not me. Jackie's story.

So how do I write a story where me and Isaac are just friends.

I can't.

I can't write any romance novel without thinking of him. Maybe this wasn't Jackie story either, maybe it was his.

Was this really all about Isaac?

It had been a few weeks since that night, most of the time now had been revolved around the wedding. Hayley and Will were finally getting their happy ending.

I wanted to be happy for them. I really did, but I still couldn't stop thinking about Isaac.

I never gave him his jacket back, I was to embarrassed. I caused him so much trouble and treated him horribly. I hated myself for doing this to him, for ever putting him through my mess.

School was soon to be over with also. Which meant no more homework and sports and all that other crap. Just me, sleeping, writing, and dreaming. Alone.

I walked downstairs to see Katherine, Hayley, and Jackie planning for the wedding. I walked in and grabbed an apple from the counter. "Oh Amelia navy blue or baby blue?" Hayley asked me.

"Baby blue, no question asked" I say with a light smile before turning to walk away.

As I exited the kitchen I heard footsteps from behind me. I turned to see Jackie looking at me with putty. "Hey. Amelia I have a question, and I might be over stepping... but what's going on with you and Isaac?"

I felt my body ache as I choked up a response, "nothing."

"I see the way he looks at you, everyone does. You sure it's nothing?" She questioned me. I shook my head to her, "it doesn't matter we're cousins."

"Well not by blood and technically not by paper either, because his mom isn't in the picture. His mom is George sister, and she's not their guardian. Only their dad is." She smiling hopeful for me and Isaac. I know she means well, but I couldn't handle hope.

"Drop it Jackie. Focus on the wedding and your love life." I roll my eyes before walking to the front door. I could feel her looking at me with guilt.

I didn't need hope, I needed to forget. If I could forget everything, none of this would have happened.

I was walking outside toward the barn. I saw Lee and Parker kicking the soccer ball with Jordan. I didn't acknowledge them though.

A N G E L~ Isaac Garcia x OCWhere stories live. Discover now