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It gets harder and harder every day to control myself when around Amelia.

Fighting urges to touch her, kiss her, no space between us, and just being around her all the time. It had to be the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Except for when she was mad at me, then it was even worse with not trying to talk to her. I started to hate when we were fighting. I couldn't stand the thought of her being mad at me.

I understood why she was mad at me, because I had doubted her. But when she kissed me it was like all my doubts just faded away.

I craved her.

Not just one part, all of her.

I wanted all of her all the time. Not just sometimes when something reminds me of her, all the time. Because everything makes me think of Amelia. Maybe it's crazy, but she makes my head go crazy without even knowing she does.

How I felt for Amelia couldn't ever be explained in words. I don't even think Alex has ever felt like this for Jackie. Actually I don't think any guy has felt like this over a girl. The reason, she's the girl of my dreams.

I don't think I can see myself with anyone else. That's scary, everything about her has always been scary.

But curiosity killed the cat, and I'm willing to be that cat if it meant I got to be with her every second.

"Man, I just had the best- OOH my god!" Lee bursted through our door without hesitation until he saw me and Amelia.

She quickly got off me grabbing her shirt to cover herself. I sprang up from my bed to pull Lee in and closing the door, so no one would see. His cover his eyes, "oh my god! Is- is that Amelia?" She puts her shirt back on as walk toward Lee.

He looks at me wide eyed, "you two?" He points between us in question. Amelia looks scared to even be in the same room as me. I wasn't though, because I knew we should be able to trust Lee. His my brother after all.

Amelia had her arms crossed, looking at me without saying a single word.

I nodded my head to Lee, "yeah." I say putting my hands in my pockets watching Lee reaction. His face is priceless, even if the situation isn't an ideal joke. Looks between us many times, "for how long?"

I look back to Amelia, noticing her looking down and shuffling her feet. I answer again, "about two or three months I guess." She finally looks back up at me, "has it really been that long?"

I smile to her nodding. Lee is looking at us with even more confusion and terror. "So what? You guys are like boyfriend and girlfriend or something?" He asks us the question I had not even considered before.

A N G E L~ Isaac Garcia x OCWhere stories live. Discover now