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I woke up the next day not feeling happy at all, I mean last night was enough to make me never want to go to another football game.

Today was definitely going to be one of those stay at home days.

The whole situation with Adam brought my eyes to see the bigger picture of it all. Kyle Caldwell was the first to even introduce this picture.

Kyle was the first boy to every show me attention in the wrong ways. Last year, near the end of the school year, he decided to make an impression I won't ever take for granted. He had some of his friends drag me to a storage room, as a joke they all thought as did I and everyone else. The only joke was that I let them do it because I liked the attention.

I had never gotten male attention before and when I did for the first time all freshman year I loved it.

They locked me in a storage room with Kyle Caldwell. I couldn't see anything it was dark, all I could feel was hot breathing on my neck. I could feel his hand grab my waist and ass. Before anything got to serious I kicked him where it hurts and screamed to be let out.

Thankfully the guys didn't leave me there alone and quickly let me out after hearing my screams. I ran out the room quickly and fell to the ground as I cried. That was the first time I had ever cried in front of so many people.

Danny was the first Walter boy around, so he held me until the principal got there to find Cole, Isaac, and Lee holding Kyle down and captive.

Nathan was home sick that day, and Alex had no idea that had even happened. They felt really bad for not being there, but I never blamed them. I only blamed myself for wanting the attention.

Kyle and Adam were a lot a like, they both only wanted me for my body.

That's all any guy really wanted now, so maybe I should just allow it. No. Then it wouldn't be right for my sanity.

That whole day I stayed in my room and ignored everything. Except for when PJ came into the room crying, then I supported her.

I gave her the best advice I had ever given her, "all boys lie, but not all men lie. One day Cole and the rest of these boys will grow to be men that one day we might be able to trust."

She took my words to heart, stating she wasn't going to let this bring her down.

I thought maybe I shouldn't be letting Adam bring me down either.

The next Friday

I still had not seen or heard from Issac all weekend and that week, considering I never came out of my room either. Katherine had to bring my dinner up for two nights, with concern all over her.

She was worried for me, but truthfully I just needed space from society and the male gender.

I had dressed in low rise skinny jeans, and a white, long sleeve sweater. I walked downstairs feeling a lot better today, than I did yesterday.

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