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The day I was more than excited to finally go to one of Amelia game.

She was the one who didn't want anyone to find out, with good reason. Still didn't mean, I wasn't down about being kept secret. Yeah it was fun to make out in secret, and it felt like forbidden.

I liked when I would secretly put my hand on her thigh under any table, pulling her into any closet, hiding in the loft at night, and most of all teasing her when others where around.

But still all I wanted was to show every guy in this damn school she chose me, not Adam.

It was hard to keep a secret like her.

That doesn't mean I didn't keep it a secret, in fact I never told anyone. Maya knew but she was always a given to know, plus she was a good distraction for Lee. Considering he had always thought Maya was the most gorgeous thing his seen on the planet.

Which I guess leads to the whole reason I can go to Amelia last game.

Her eyes lit up so bright when we all said we would be there. I tried to play it cool like I always did, wanting to act like I wasn't excited to be there. In the stands watching her.

Pretty sure this is what Taylor Swift felt like in the "You Belong With Me" video.

The game was good all around. Amelia scored one of the points they had and Noelle scored the other. Anyone could tell those two were an unstoppable duo on the field. It was kinda scary to watch the two of them together.

They had around fifteen minutes left in the game and no one seemed to be scoring. That's when Cole, Dylan, and Adam showed up. Adam sat by me as Cole just starred at the game as he sat on the other side of Dylan.

It was filled with nothing but silence as we all watched and Lee and Maya talked to each other. They didn't seem to mind the new three members sitting near us.

"Way to go, Noelle that's my girl!" Dylan yelled cheering for Noelle. Turns out the two were on and off now.

Adam scoffs at something beside me, "you know it's funny, Dylan can cheer for his girl, but you can't." Adam said the words to only were I can hear him. I turned my head to him quickly as he leaned back. I turned back to the game, "not sure what your talking about."

He laughed, "sure you don't buddy."

"Shouldn't you be fooling around with Danelle or maybe crying over Amelia again?" I asked holding my hand over my mouth to hide the smile only he could see.

A N G E L~ Isaac Garcia x OCWhere stories live. Discover now