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Amelia~A few days later

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A few days later

It was homecoming week so as expected everybody was in a mess of chaos. I would only see Isaac from time to time but he kept my head in such a mess.

Another little update on my life were the amount of cheer practices I had to attend was gruesome. Which I assume nobody knew I did that, but there's a lot you don't know about me.

For instance I am involved in student council, cheer, soccer, and I am head on the volunteer program. So yeah I kinda do a lot, but I only do it to get into a good college. I wasn't the best at any of the programs I was in, but I was always favored because of my last name, Bloom-Walter. That name kinda made me do anything, but for cheer I was practically forced to do it. Because Maya couldn't join without me and Erin and Olivia begged me to do it.

Maya was more of the cheer expert than me, because she had done it all her life.

When I said Maya was a loner before I meant, she never had time to make friends, due to her competitive cheer schedule.

As for me I preferred soccer and volunteering. But sadly it wasn't soccer season yet, and I was working on my book so much here lately. You know the book about Jackie and her love triangle. I don't know how it could turn out but they really inspire me to write a lot. While Isaac distracts me from writing so much.

Back to homecoming, it one of the only weeks in the year I have to actually participate in cheer. Normally I made up excuses not to go, but homecoming was important so nobody was allowed to miss sadly.

"I'm so glad your finally coming to practices" Maya chirped up as we were taking a water break. I smile at her with a breath, "I'm regretting missing now, because I hardly know the routine."

Erin pops up out of nowhere to put in her input, "maybe you should have came to the practices, instead of hanging out with Isaac all the time." She smiles at me as she sits down with Olivia by her side. I give her a questionable look, "woah I don't hang out with Isaac, I live with him unfortunately."

They all looked at me with a smile and giddy look. Maya was the first to speak, "dude you and him are always all over each other in the halls not to mention how he looks at you all the time." Erin and Olivia nodded their heads in agreement.

"You guys do know we're like technically cousins right?"

Olivia finally spoke up after taking a sip of water, "and you do your not related by blood, besides you guys have only known each other for like a year and half. That's like not enough time to consider him a cousin right?"

I looked at her confused because what she said didn't really make since to me other than the blood part. I shook my head, "I guess don't see him as a brother nor a cousin, more like a mosquito that won't go away and sucks the life out of me." Erin and Maya laughed at that as Olivia looked confused and smiled.

A N G E L~ Isaac Garcia x OCWhere stories live. Discover now