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"nah it wasn't but with you avoiding me that's all I can say with out scaring you too much."

The words rang through my head all evening. When I was trying to write all I could write where things he could have said. It was driving me absolutely insane, I mean, I never thought about Isaac like that before. Except when we first met, but then he gave me so many reasons as to why it would never happen.

His rude, arrogant, cocky, he says the worst things, and he made it his life goal to torment me. That's how I had always viewed him, but the whole bathroom situation just made it so hard for me to talk to him.

All I could think of was how his eyes looked over my whole body, the firmness in his hand when he grabbed my wrist, how he looked stepping close to me, and god how incredibly he smelt. Which was so weird to think of when I would always say he smelt gross all the time.

The smell was the thing that made me second guess everything, was he really that repulsive to look at or was he drooling to look at, was he really a dick or did he do gentlemen things like hold my door open, and did I really hate him all this time or did I actually like him.

Everything was upside down now.

"Amelia, time for dinner!" Parker walked into the room to find me face in my pillow sprawled across my bed. "Uh Amelia?"

I sat up and moved my hair out of my face, "I'm coming PJ." Kicking myself off the bed and walking past Parker. She looked at me with concern.

As we walked down stairs she asked me, "are you okay? You seem stressed." I nodded my head, "yep, you know how I get when I can't think of anything to write about."

I sighed as we finally made it down stairs. As we walked into the dinning room almost everyone was quite. I noticed it was because Katherine and George were not talking, and Cole and Jackie weren't here either. Katherine and George hated when the kids where late.

Almost all of dinner was kept in silence, until George finally spoke up. "Parker when your done you and Benny got up stairs. We need to have a talk with the older kids."

And that's when we all guessed it someone snitched. A few eyes looked at Alex including mine, because he was notorious for snitching. He shook his head and I guessed it had something to do with Isaac because he melted in his chair like he did something wrong.

Who would have guessed that I was right.

"Is there anything left?" Cole asked as him and Jackie entered the house. He walked into the dining room, "cause I am starving." As Cole was taking a seat George spoke up, "hey, you know your supposed to call if you're running late, right? I mean that's the whole reason you have a phone."

Everyone could sense the parents anger build up. "Where have you guys been?" Katherine asked the two. "Yeah, we, uh went to the watering hole." Cole spoke as he chewed his food.

A N G E L~ Isaac Garcia x OCWhere stories live. Discover now