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Things were different for me and Isaac now, and I was so sure everyone had noticed. The problem, was that we had to be a secret. There were to many "what ifs" that could happen if George and Katherine found out. It was better for it to just be a secret.

There was also the fact that Adam kept telling me how sorry he was. Honestly him cheating was so random to me, especially because it happened when Nathan was in the hospital. That was always the problem with Adam he seemed like a safe option, but turned out to be unpredictable.

Speaking of unpredictable, Isaac lead told in the play really turned me for a loop. Of course, everyone knows how much Danny love's acting, but Isaac just wanted to get attention.

Another problem, turned out to be Cole. He started skipping classes, coming home late, drunk, high, and all around unbalanced.

No body knew what to do about him and some felt bad for him, while others were disgusted by him. I obviously, felt horrible for him. He was really going through it without football, and with Jackie and Alex too.

Couldn't help but worry for him.

As for me the girls soccer team has been doing well, along with our last game coming up. It was the championship finals for playoffs. A pretty big game for us, because last year we lost. And Noelle, especially wanted to show how great of a captain she could be next year.

So let's just say this was an important game, and I couldn't mess it up. If I did Noelle would murder me, chop me up into pieces, cook me, and feed me to a family of hungry canines. If you think that's descriptive, should have heard what she said.

The weekend before the Monday championship, I spent the whole time practicing. I didn't even write.

I was outside that Sunday afternoon with my hair in a bow messy braid. With a warm set of clothing to keep me warm. I kicked the ball into the net multiple times over and over.

"Think you can hit that ball into the net any harder?" I heard a voice say walking up behind me. I turned around to find Will. Wasn't who I was expecting, but Will was a nice surprise. I smiled to him, "yeah, actually I could, but I don't want to cause trouble in buying a new one."

He just laughed at my all serious response. He walked up to the ball and me, "so how's it going kid, feel like we barley talk anymore." "We talk Will, but it's mostly me talking to myself" I say with a smile as I kick the ball.

"I actually wanted you advice on that."

I lift my head to look at him in curiosity, "what do you mean?" He sighs as he walks up to the net to grab the ball for me. He takes the ball and slowly walks back, "it's just I feel like I'm not understanding where Hayley is coming from sometimes. I always know you'll tell it to me straight, so do you think it's wrong to have a passion about a job you love that causes you to lose the girl you love."

A N G E L~ Isaac Garcia x OCWhere stories live. Discover now