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Isaac~A week later

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A week later

Me and Amelia hadn't spoken since this kiss. Maybe we both were just so scared to ruin the relationship we had built off of hate and rivalry. Whatever it was it didn't matter, because I still couldn't stop thinking about it.

Her lips played through my mind often, but never like this. I was going crazy. Like I needed her touch.

The next few days the family had been getting ready for Thanksgiving. I walked down stairs for breakfast, noticing the talk of Thanksgiving in the air. I also kept my eyes locked on Amelia.

It was had going back to the not talking, but I didn't know what to say. It's not like we didn't talk at all, we spoke when it was needed, but this time we both tried to keep our distance.

Deep in though I was interrupted by George, "hey, Isaac, you might wanna swap out the leather and get a warmer coat." He then spoke out to the rest of them, "it's an 80% chance of snow today, guy. So Amelia go put on some more clothes." She obliged and went back upstairs as I didn't, "sometimes you have to sacrifice comfort for style."

I then tried to reason to George, "like, this leather jacket says "tough, chill, smooth." You getting it?" I then walked to grab another jacket just in case. As I walked George retaliated, "well, Frosbite also says "tough, chill, and smooth." You get it?"

Before I could leave I heard Lee voice abruptly interrupt, "did you hear from our dad? Do you know what time he's calling?" I decided not to get the jacket and instead sit down wanting to hear this conversation.

"Yeah, it's at eleven o'clock." George told him as I grabbed food to eat. Lee then went and sat down beside me. He got on his phone and I looked at him questioning, "what are you doing?"

"Setting my alarm."

Dad hardly ever called, so I never tried to get my hopes up. It's not like he could help it. I just sometimes wish he could.


After school Erin forced me to go to the Lark after school with her and Jackie. Maya said it was a good punishment for me missing the last football game.

I sat beside Erin playing on my phone as her and Jackie did the important stuff. "Hey c'mon this is important Amelia get off your phone." I sigh as Erin hit me for even being on my phone.

I wanted to talk to Isaac about the kiss and I just hated when we didn't talk.

"You girls have any extra food? I've gotta figure out dinner for tomorrow now that the taverns closing." The old lady asked the three of us. Jackie was the first to speak up, "sure, well make you a bag. For how many?"

"I'll be eating alone this year." Will then went up to the old lady suggesting her come to the Lark because in short they would be open Thanksgiving,

Which surprised both me and Hayley, because I thought he would join us. "It's not like we have the staff, Kylie has the weekend off, I wanted to-" Jackie was quick to interrupt the two suggesting she help. It was an obvious no for Will and I hated manual labor so I would not be doing that.

A N G E L~ Isaac Garcia x OCWhere stories live. Discover now