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Things were back to normal again, but I couldn't help but feel like it really wasn't. Now I'm always excited to see him, and I'm nervous when he touches me.

I knew I liked Isaac, I've just never felt like this before. Not even when I had a crush on Adam for years. It felt like rush and like I was going to throw up on a roller coaster.

What ever it was, I wasn't going to let it cost me, my relationship with Isaac.

I liked how things were between us, and if I said anything I was afraid he wouldn't like me back. You know with us hating each other from the moment we spoke.

I walked downstairs to find Parker upset. I walked down to her, "hey PJ, why the long face?" She looked at me and then forward.

"Yesterday was horrible, first I broke Jackie precious teapot, second James told the who School he hated me at lunch, and then last night you were forced to go to the game so I had no one to talk to." She ranted to me as I sat beside her on the stairwell. I sighed, "sorry about that I thought if I hide the whole day Maya wouldn't force me to go."

She shakes her head at me with a sad face, and then I thought for a moment, "I thought you said James liked you? Didn't your friends tell you that at least."

She scoffed, "yeah I thought, so to until I did what Isaac told me for a whole week. Then he just exploded on me and said he never liked me and he hated me."

I look at her confused, "what did Isaac tell you to do?"

She looks up at me for a spilt second, "well he said that normal when a boy is mean to you he secretly likes you. So he told me to just tease him about it." My eyes widen a bit at the first sentence she said. No way right.

"You should take my advice, just apologize to him and move on. Eventually he'll see how great you are and want to do whatever you guys do these days." She laughed at that and got up. "Wanna come play with me?" I shook my head, "maybe another time."

She nodded her head as she ran outside. I got up from where I was, and turned the corner to the kitchen to be met by someone slamming into me. "Ugh! Hey!" I looked up to see Isaac and him looking down slowly smiling at me. "Hey to you to." He held my sides to keep me steady to my feet.

We both slowly moved away from each other. "So Katherine wanted me to tell you to be ready for when we go to Lark after Dark. We have to go early to help set up." He informed me as he shuffled his feet with his hands in his pockets.

I nodded my head and looked back up to him, "okay and I was gonna ask you something." He looked toward me with a head nod, "what's up?"

"Did you give Parker your horrible boy advice?" I asked him and he realized almost immediately what I was talking about. "Yeah, I heard that didn't go so well."

A N G E L~ Isaac Garcia x OCWhere stories live. Discover now