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"Show me then, please." I said looking into his eyes.

Without hesitation he leaned forward pulling my hips closer to him as he looked into my eyes.

This was the very thing I needed, I needed him to touch me. I don't think I could ever live without it. I pulled my arms over his shoulders. With this he closed the gap fiercely. Like he had been starving to death and I was his last taste.

He lips were soft, leaving me only wanting to kiss him. I just wanted him.

He fluids his hands over the back of my pants, to my thighs. Before I could even think, he lift me up making me squeal. With my mouth slightly open, he took it as an opportunity to let our tongues finally touch. Letting me taste sweet cinnamon.

I ran my fingers through his hair as he walked us over to the couch. He groaned a bit as my fingers tucked the tangled pieces of his hair.

He laid me on my back with his body still between my legs. He leaned his head down to my neck. I kept my hand softly on his neck and the other one in his hair. He kissed down my neck and taking his time to leave one mark on a soft spot.

I let out a noise I had never and before, causing him to smile between my skin.

He wrapped one hand behind my back with the other slowly going up my shirt. He brought his head back to kiss my lips.

As his hands traveled up my stomach, the realization hit me.

"Wa-wait I-Isaac." I spoke with my breathing suddenly fastening. He stopped immediately, pulling his hand away. I looked away a bit embarrassed, "I'm a virgin."

There was the fear he might not like me anymore or think I was a prude. Because all any guy had proved before was the only thing they ever wanted was to have their way.

He looked at me sincere, "that's okay we don't have to, now." He moved my face to look at him, before he kissed me softly.

He pulled away with a smile looking to me, "is it okay if we just stay here?"

I nodded as we both got under the blankets on the couch. I faced him and he faced me. He looked at me deep in thought until he sighed, "did you go on a date with Adam?" The question caught me by surprise at first. I then slowly nodded afraid of how he would react.

He shook his head, "so do you like Adam?"

I thought to myself for a moment. I didn't really know anymore. If he would have asked me months ago I would have said yes. Or even before he said all this I might have. But now everything was so much more complicated.

"Adam felt safe and I guess if it wasn't for you I would have started too"I said grabbing his hand. He looked down to me with questioning, "how did I change your mind so quickly?"

A N G E L~ Isaac Garcia x OCWhere stories live. Discover now