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Being in love with someone your not supposed to, is a feeling that will always leave you in fear.

Your doubts could easily fade when with them, but in the back of your mind you will always be haunted with fear. Fear of being caught is the most common.

Another fear I have is if this feeling between us is really love, or maybe it's just some teenage, hopeless romance story. Maybe he did feel the same as I did. Maybe there won't be any heartbreak if we end it now. Maybe this isn't even real. To many "maybes" caused by the fear of being with a person your not supposed to be with.

It's hard to believe that everything will be okay, when you have felt the abandonment of others before. I don't feel like like everything will work out, because it never has before. I learned this throughout my years of foster care. I know what it's like to believe, then have it taken away from you.

Cole was the best example of my faith being torn to pieces.

I always looked up to Cole, and he was the first brother I ever became close to. He stood up for me, and always looked after me before. Before he started to act like there was nothing that mattered anymore.

Since Alex and him fought in the auditorium, it's like he flipped a switch.

He betrayed me.

I never thought Cole would tell someone about me and Isaac. I didn't even know he knew. He did though and he told Adam. The only person I prayed wouldn't find out, because I knew only trouble would come from it. Adams actions were a shock, and his words were got to me. To my surprise, the thing that hurt the most was finding out Cole told him.

Because I trusted him.

I always had his back. With Jackie, Alex, football, his girl drama, or when Dylan took his spot.

I rooted for him.

Now... I want nothing to do with him.

That whole week the rest of us had to walk to school, because Cole decided to hitch rides from his friends.

I didn't mind that though. It was fun spending more quiet time with Isaac, even if all the siblings were near us. Just being near him was enough for me.

Lee, Isaac, and Nathan followed behind me as we walked into school. Quickly Nathan was found by Skylar, "Nathan! Hey, I wanted to see if you were still on for tonight?" Nathan lit up almost immediately when noticed by the boy.

He nodded his head with a shy smile to Skylar, "of course." As the two talked their were stares lingering on me. Murmurs as I walked to my locker.

Isaac rested on the locker next to me as the other three boys talked. "Is it just me or are you more popular today then usual?" Isaac asked me without letting the others hear.

A N G E L~ Isaac Garcia x OCWhere stories live. Discover now