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I never meant any of the words I said to Amelia. I didn't hate her and I damn sure did need her. Every second I saw her with Adam it was like I couldn't help but get more angry. Not at her, but at my self.

After the words left my mouth I felt horrible. When she slapped me, I knew I deserved it. She was almost in tears. Now in the auditorium, that's when it hit me.

I didn't hate her at all and I was taking all my anger out on her.

"Walk straight to the principals office now!" I heard the English teacher yell. The six of us got away from each other and started to head to the office. Before I could walk up the stairs, I saw Amelia with tears rolling down her cheeks looking at me.

Yeah that was the moment it all hit me, I hurt Amelia. The girl I told myself I would protect no matter what. I hurt her.

I took a step towards her, reaching to comfort her. She flinched away from me. She was scared by me. I was the problem now.

"Start walking Isaac. Let's go Alex."

I heard the teacher yell. I looked away in guilt, walking away from the painful gaze.

As we waited by the principal office there was only one person playing through my mind on repeat and repeat. Amelia.

Katherine arrived at the principal office with a very disappointed look to all of us. Which I didn't understand because it was Alex and Cole fighting not the rest of us. I'm sure everyone knew they were honestly fighting over Jackie. I don't really understand that either, but I knew she meant a lot to both of them. Jackie meant a lot to all of us, but more to them.

After some time, Katherine walked out of the principals office. "Alex and Cole, you have a three-day suspension, and the rest of you are suspended till tomorrow. So I guess we're going home." She stated before walking away. The rest of us sat there not knowing if that was it. "Now!" That's when we definitely knew we were all in trouble.

The car ride was silent with Katherine clenching the the wheel in anger the whole way. It wasn't any better when we got home either, still filled with silence around the table.

We waited for George and Katherine to enter the dining room, where we all sat. Once the they entered, George was the first to speak.

"Your mother and I don't tolerate fighting... that's not new, is it?" Katherine picked up in his speech, "you're not a bunch of toddlers. You should be able to resolve your differences without resorting to violence." She looked around the room at all of us.

Then she turned to Alex tapping him, "look at me. Now." Alex turned to face as her as she spoke to him, "you two are brothers. What you have is precious and it is fragile, and god knows it can be ripped away from you in a second."

The words kicked in for me as I slightly looked at Lee. His all I really had, so I can hundred percent say I would never lay a finger on him. He means the world to me, even if I never say it.

A N G E L~ Isaac Garcia x OCWhere stories live. Discover now