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Adam Smith.

Every girls dream guy, and the superstar senior everyone wanted to be. I didn't understand why Amelia decided to even catch a ride with him. Not to mention her spending so much time with him at school.

I was angry.

I was jealous.

How could he just show up, and she became head over heels for him in no time. Like she couldn't keep her eyes off the guy. And how she smiled at him made my stomach turn. How could she smile at anyone else besides me?

How could she choose Adam smith.

It's not like they've even been talking a day, but the guy can't keep his hands off her. In the halls he had his arm around her, at lunch he kept his hand on her knee, and when entering any place with her, he was holding her hand. She barley even knows the guy, and she lets him do all the things I want to do with her.

How was it fair?

How was it fair to me?

How could she choose Adam Smith.

Just the sight of them made me want to vomit, so I did what I did best. Be petty. In eight period I decided to seat behind Paige instead, knowing she hated Paige. I mean I did too, but that didn't mean I was going to let her think she could you with me.

"Chris. Do me a solid go sit next to Amelia." His eyes lit up in eagerness, "don't have to ask me twice."

I sat in the chair noticing, Amelia looking at me. The only problem with this plan was, the look on her face. It was the look of betrayal and hurt.

In that moment Paige turned to me with a smile on her face, she started to talk but I could only think of Amelia. Maybe this wasn't the best idea, she looked really upset. "I'm sorry I have to go." I heard her say from the other side of the room.

I quickly got up, but with the teacher being right behind me, "where do you think your going? Only one at a time Mr. Garcia."

I did as I was told and sat back down.

Did I hurt Amelia?


"So, Tony's is in for five premium oil changed, and Kiley just texted and said Monty's wants to donate and entire month of free pizza." Jackie said as I painted the board with Skylar.

A N G E L~ Isaac Garcia x OCWhere stories live. Discover now