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Amelia A while later in life (so done with the timeline)

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A while later in life
(so done with the timeline)

My book has been totally ruined. Jackie was with Alex now. They've been together for a few weeks now and I couldn't be more disappointed.

Don't get me wrong I'm happy for Alex and Jackie, but I saw how Cole looked at her everyday. She did something to him I had never seen before, even with Erin.

You could tell how much Cole Walter had been effected by this girl.

As for me and Isaac, we're good. We haven't talked about the kiss anymore, nor did we continue acting like we were together. I told him, it wasn't right to do that.

There comes the thought of technically being cousins.

And the fear of being an Isaac girl.

It didn't matter now, we were on good terms. We were slowly becoming friends. And with ever step closer to friendship, it was another step back from walking away from the feelings.

There was never a doubt that I liked him.

It was the fact, we live in the same house, we used to hate each other, he doesn't actually like me, and I'm a virgin. I'm a virgin with no experience, and Isaac does with plenty of his girls. I didn't want him to take that away from me, because I wasn't that special to him. He wasn't as bad as Cole, but I knew he had been with people. I just didn't want to become one of those people.

"Hey Amelia, I feel like I hardly see you around these days." Maya says seating next to me in English. I smile towards her out of my thoughts, "yep and there is something I think I need your opinion on."

She nodded her head as she set her stuff down, "what's up? Wait is it about the kiss again with you and Isaac, because girl you already know my opinion."

I shook my head, "no it's about Alex and Jackie. What do you think about it?" She paused as she thought for a minute, "they are way to PDA that's for sure. Which makes me think you need to be careful not to barge into Jackie room anymore if that keeps up."

"They don't do anything at home though" I tell her now unsure of that. She laugh, "yeah not buying it, especially with how they are at school, nope." I sigh, "I wonder why that is. Do you think it might have- Uh never mind."

Before class had started and before Maya could question what I was going, to say Noelle walks in front of my desk. "Hey, if you don't get you ass to practice today coach will kill me, so please will you show up" she practically begs and threatens me. I look up to her, "chill, I've only missed three days. I'll be there."

A N G E L~ Isaac Garcia x OCWhere stories live. Discover now