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I was doing a N x Reader but then realized my motivation was shit so it might take a week to actually finish it. Sorry.

In the meantime, Have a scenario!



She still has a "i want to be edgy so bad" attitude, but when it comes to affection from people she actually cares about (Like N or Y/N) then she'll be more tolerable towards them.

And by more tolerable, I mean she'll actually go out of her way to ask for affection.

Just be careful. Her 'cuddles' involve having her put her arms around you and squeeze extremely tighter than necessary.

Make sure she didn't break or damage anything.



For a long time, his only interaction was with J and V, both of which wished that he didn't exist and never bothered to interact with him outside of the mission.

That being said, he doesn't really know how to cuddle.

And his version of cuddling, is actually moderately tame. He'll put his arms around you (or arm depending if your sitting) and wrap his tail around you.

Be extra mindful of the tail. He has accidentally stuck you before.



Her definition of cuddle is more...

Hm... How do I put this?

Well, most of her prior interactions with worker drones involve her ripping their head off and throwing it to the side. Mutilating them beyond repair...

What else am I missing?

Oh yeah! She kills them.

You get what I'm saying? She's definitely not used to cuddling and tries to avoid it at all costs. But, you and your relentless charm somehow manages to convince her to cuddle.

The way she goes about this? Same way with N. Just accept it's more awkward and her tail does constantly stick you.



For all her faults, she does actually try to put in effort into your relationship with her.

Effort is one thing. Experience is another. But at this point I think you get the gist.

She'll never actually cuddle with you though. That's cringe. Instead she'll just compliment you on looks, or effort you put into work.

Murder drones x Reader Scenarios/Oneshots/HeadcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now