Random Headcanons

575 11 19

Because I lost control of my life.

Also, is it headcanons, or headcannons?

Also going to be using a different format I stole off of someone else just to see if I like it. So heads up for that.



-If you somehow have the ability to smell, the smell of oil would never leave from her. If you ask about it, she'll just try and change the subject. Unless you already know about it. Then she'll just take a shower.

-She uses the tail she has a lot around you. Usually to tease you, such as:

-Picking you up by the leg (while also making sure you don't hit your head on the ground in the process)

-Mimicking your voice with it. Kind of like what she does with N in the camp episode.

-Bonking you with it. Lightly, mind you. But she'll usually do it to let you know she's getting annoyed with you.

-She honestly doesn't know if you're good or bad, just that your good to her.


-He's surprisingly really good at playing Uno. You played it with him once, and he won every game against you. Uzi even got involved just to see if she could beat him. She couldn't.

-In a universe where funny things exist, this gentleman (bot?) is literally the first one to always open the door for you. Even if he's somehow miles away, he's always somehow there to open the door for you.

-He can guess if you're feeling sad, even if you have a poker face. It's just with you specifically for some reason, but he somehow always knows.


-Almost mistook you for another worker drone once. Once she realized that it was you, she felt horribly about it in her mind, but her body language is literally giving off 'fuck you' energy.

-Make no mistake, she does love you. Just don't push her boundaries or get yourself stuck in situations where she constantly has to bail you out, and you should be good.

-She hates gen z humor.

-She still kills, but it's mostly if anyone tries to hurt you or her. Otherwise, she spends too much time around you or the others to really have time to kill anyone.


-Don't ever ask her for a break, you're just going to get a bunch of moaning and bitching. That, or she'll just pretend she didn't hear you and fly off.

-I don't have many headcannons for her, but one stands out: she's not a complete asshole to you.

-For example, she's more vulnerable towards you, letting her guard down most times. Having open body language, and just complimenting you overall.

-It's subtle hints like those that you really have to look out for in order to make her at least somewhat bearable to work with. Mind you that moments like those are rare, but not rare enough where you won't pick up on them.


-She's just an overall Douch bag. She loves you, but it's usually in her own twisted sense of it. That's how you can tell that she's never been loved herself.

-Ever since you met her, you always piqued her interest. That's what gravitated her towards you instead of others like Tessa or any other worker drone. You were special, in a sense.

-Make no mistake, she is not soft towards you in any sense. She could induce physical harm to you, but why do that when she has something called: The Ability to Speak.

-Usually just wearing you down mentally, that is. She'll never directly insult you, instead just making it known that she wants you to know that you are not loved. Except for a special someone. Guess who that is.


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