Yandere Headcanons

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If this was prior to episode one, then she's more like the jealous yandere. She would definitely send death glares to anyone that made fun of you or flirted with you. Either way, they don't really take her seriously.

After episode one, it's more like trying to convince N to kill them. N always refuses, but he's now slightly concerned for Uzi.

After episode three, she doesn't show any quarrels in killing people who make her jealous. Or pissed. Or just annoyed in general.

Her possessiveness no bounds, with her constantly clinging to you like glue. It'll make you feel claustrophobic after awhile. 

Always smiling around you.   :)



Wholesome killer turned semi-wholesome. 

He's incredibly good at intimidating people. He's intimidated you at one point, though it was by accident.

He doesn't kill anybody unless he needs oil. i.e, people who he see's as a potential rival. Though, he tries his best to avoid killing as much as possible.

If you act unusually hostile to him, he's generally very confused and will try to make whatever he did wrong up to you. He doesn't want you to go down the list.

Has almost died for you. Don't ask for the circumstances.



If you hug her, she won't let go for a solid day. 

Watches you like a hawk. Especially if your around other drones. Don't talk to other drones if you value their safety.

Picks you up a lot. Not for any particular reason other than making sure you're close to her at all times.

Going back on my previous statement about safety, one drone didn't take the hint, and V pounced on them like a mountain lion and a small child.

She perceives everyone as a threat except for N.


Uh oh, it's J.

Out of the three, she might be the most cruelest in terms of mental health.

She'll drill it into your head that you aren't worth anything. That the only reason she hasn't killed you yet is because she wants to watch you suffer.

She's hellbent on making sure you are hers. She has no issues on killing anyone that even looks at you sideways.

Do not attempt to run. You'll never make it to the colony doors in time.


I off of my short hiatus. Sorry for not taking so long.

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