Not your problem but here.

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So, this might be the last few days on this account, depending on how this goes.

So, yesterday, I made an announcement stating that: "Guys, I really shouldn't have to say this: don't REPEATEDLY post edgy shit on your account.

Once or twice is fine. Three times is a stretch. Four times, and it feels like you're trying to get attention."

And, before you say anything, yes, I definitely worded that poorly, and this situation is partly my fault, I would think. The problem is that someone (I won't put the name here for security reasons) thought that I was targeting them specifically, -I wasn't- and people started coming into my message board, and just pretty much started harassing me. That's putting it nicely.

One person threatened me, the other just prolonging this more than it has to be. 

To be clear, The account in question that thought they were being targeted came out and said to stop the hate and harassing, but as far as I can tell, one is still keeping their post up about the mass flagging. Do not harass anyone mentioned here, I cannot stress that enough. 

An eye for an eye makes the world go blind.

Point is, I'm getting mass flagged from multiple accounts. So, that being said, this may be joever. 

I wanted to get this out there to let you know that, I fucked up, and I likely won't be here to give you anymore fanfiction because of it. I don't know if I'm exaggerating this, but just wanted to let you know.

I also told someone to go fuck themselves because they were being a bit hostile. I'll admit, I overreacted there.

I overreacted on a few things, but I won't go into any more detail. Do your own research, I've deleted nothing. All the text messages are still there, and I haven't edited any of them.

Just thought you guys deserved the truth, incase this gets banned because of the flagging.


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