Yandere Cyn x Human!Reader

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In case you want a TL;dr for this story: UwU, prepare to die. :3

Requested by BrianGeller, thank you!

Sorry it took so long.

This isn't canon to the storyline I have prepared for this book, for the record.

CW: Kidnapping, mild gore

since I don't want Wattpad to send this book and my account to the shadow realm, I can't put any extreme graphic content here. Sorry. Also, I just don't want to put a graphic warning on this book.

(Finally got the motivation to work on this)


You tapped your foot, sitting down in the basement you had previously hated. Well, you still did hate it, but you were trapped here, what could you do?

You looked back down at the chain on your foot, that was actually relatively loose. But as long as you didn't have anything to pry it with, you were shit out of luck.

You banged your head against the wall, more out of boredom than actual annoyance. You had nothing to do. Anything that you could have used to escape has already been taken away, or just straight out put in front of you. Barely out of your reach.

You wanted to kill her so badly, to finally get rid of the worlds problems once and for all, but you weren't stupid. You knew you couldn't kill her in a way that matters.

You kept hearing footsteps above you. You think it's just the Worker Drones moving about, going about your daily business, but you couldn't be sure. 

Well, you could. Who else would it be? 

You had looked to your right, arms crossed trying to keep yourself relatively warm. Despite her saying, 'Highest living standard' she didn't even put any heating down here. You don't know if she forgot, or if she genuinely doesn't care.

Probably the latter.

Your little bubble of thoughts were interrupted when you see a yellow glow beaming in the dark room you were in, prompting you to groan in annoyance.

"Giggle, did you miss me, Y/n?" The antichrist spoke, to which you ignored, narrowing your eyes in the other direction.

When you didn't respond, the small smile she had dissipated, now replaced with an annoyed look. 

"Not responding won't get you anywhere." She prompted, using her glyph to force you to look at her, which you only darted your eyes somewhere that isn't looking at her.

You still didn't respond, just pretending that you didn't see her.

"Or maybe," She pulled out a doll that looked really similar to what your brother looked like above her head, putting a knife to it's throat, "I need to give you more incentive?"

Her smile grew, now looking at your newfound horrified reaction to what she was implying, before returning to an annoyed look.

You sighed for a brief moment, before finally returning your gaze to her, "What's the point? You're just going to kill us all anyway." You miserably replied. 

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