I haven't made a post in a week I think. Maybe two.

588 16 7

A scenarios thought up in 5 minutes. Enjoy.


If you killed someone.



You don't have the solver, do you? You aren't... EATING THEM, ARE YOU?!---

In all seriousness, she doesn't care much unless you're going out of your way to kill, that's going to be something she'll always disapprove of.

Seriously, don't eat them. Even though she has done it, it's still disgusting.




He'll pretty much think you didn't mean to do it, because you weren't a bad person, he knows that and you know that!

So assuming that you did it by accident, he'll disregard it, just trying to sweep it under the rug. 

Also don't call him a murderer---



She honestly doesn't care. If anything, she'll probably kill someone too just for the fun of it.

If you regret it, she'll try to make you feel better, and fail horribly. Seriously, she's that one friend in the group that would fail horribly to cheer you up. 

Either way, she'll just disregard the kill, and make sure you're okay. That's her main priority anyway, since she isn't going out of her way to kill Workers now.



She legitimately doesn't care. If anything, she's sort of mad at you for just going out of your way to do something she doesn't deem necessary.

This isn't her feeling remorse for the Worker mind you, it's just that she's annoyed that you got distracted. It's the one thing she truly hates; distractions.

Now get back in your time out corner.



Damn, save some for her.

Doesn't matter if she was exiled or not, her reaction remains the same. She doesn't care.

She doesn't want you doing it excessively though. She's not trying to make another her; a semi-vengeful monster.

Word Count: 272

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