Whoops, looks like you died for the 4th time.

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Boo, jumpscare. Get died again idiot. 

I'm remaking the if you dieded thing. Could have been written better.



For sakes of simplicity, let's say you died by accident. Whether that be from a freak accident, you did something stupid and paid the price for it...

Or just getting killed by Uzi. Like in the original chapter.

Initially she'd be in denial, trying to process if what just happened/what she saw was real or not. With a image of a dead father still present in her mind. Whatever the case may be, your dead, and nothing's going to change that.

She'd be a lot more hostile towards her father, which is confused on why she's being aggressive towards him. But really, she's just aggressive towards anyone. Could just be a passerby on the way to school that's she'll snap at if they bumped into her. The possibilities are endless!

She just left your body wherever you died. She couldn't bear to touch it, not in that state.

N would try and console her but fail. V would probably just shrug it off or mock her about how she wasn't able to save you. She'd be on the receiving end of a little thing called death unless N stopped her.

You felt like the only reasonable person in that colony. You understood her when nobody else did. And now you're gone, and she's alone again.




Like Uzi, he'd be in denial. Maybe to a few minutes to a few hours, really doesn't matter in the end since he just collapses to the ground anyway. He'll just sit there looking at your body for a minute before going over there and touching it, making sure it was actually dead.

Death wasn't a foreign concept to him. He just really wished this didn't hurt as bad as it did. He can't get the image of you out of his head after he left. All of a sudden, his bigger priorities didn't seem big at all. Just meaningless.

Obviously, this differs than how he actually dealt with death in the actual episode, but this takes place prior to episode 5, so take that as you will. You could have died before the camp, or after it. Doesn't change his reaction much.

(Plus, he loved you, so...)

Either way, no matter how he tries to figure out why this is happening, or why he couldn't be there; he's going to take about a week break before going back out. He'd act almost completely normal. (Almost looking like a mess, bags under his eyes and such and overheating)

In other words, you won't get any more bear hugs.




V, the psychopathic killer, is still psychopathic. 

Yeah, she's absolutely pissed. Primarily at herself. She made a sort of internal promise that she wouldn't let you get in harm's way, considering you were her lover and such. Obviously, since me (God) doesn't like things that are happy, she doesn't get that luxury.

Most of her backlash would likely get thrown at anyone nearby. Doesn't matter who it is, could be N, Lizzy, or just a random worker drone. She isn't really thinking straight, and all she can think about is how she just let that happen. Again, for sakes of simplicity, it was an accident on how you died.

After anyone that wasn't clear ran away or went into hiding, most anger would be thrown into a wall or ground. After everything is said and done, she'll just collapse on the ground. Not crying or anything, but just blankly staring at the ground, visor glitching a few times as she tries to process what just happened.

Anything immediately after your death/discovery was immediately blurry. Her attitude doesn't change much after everything is finally said and done. Not out of carelessness, but more out of trying to suppress more trauma that now has a dead lover to the list for the 2nd time.

At that point, she really felt like giving up.




She'll almost forget that she's supposed to be killing everything that moves. She had already transferred your consciousness to a body of your choice, so really; it didn't matter if you died or not.

Still though, a permanent death probably wouldn't leave as much of a scar on her as you might hope. She expected that there would be major complications with you (assuming you were still human at that stage, which in my hometown world; is very unlikely) the second you switched planets, so she was kind of mentally preparing herself for your death.

Her only real form of virtual grief to the naked eye would probably just her saying, "Sad." Internally, she'd probably have an unfamiliar feeling. Grief, mostly. But that's really about it.

Yeah, it's either you die, and she brings you back to life, or you die, and you don't get much fanfare. There's not really an in-between.


Haha, you got depression.

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