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"%*#($(#@" Uzi was desperately trying to understand what the hell you were saying. It was like all you could speak was gibberish.

"Y/N, what the hell happened to your voice?" She questioned, starting to get annoyed with the constant _____ sounds you were making.

It was so confusing to her, it was like something was tampering with your voice module.

"^(^&%^$#^(^)_#@" It was difficult to make out what you were saying. After awhile she gave up.



"Wha- Y/N what happened to your voice?" He could clearly see that you were distressed. You so desperately wanted to say something that just wasn't gibberish.

"_*$^#)$*#&" N was doing his best to try and translate what you were saying, but it wasn't any language he was familiar with.

He was confused out of his mind, he couldn't notice the weird change in voice in your sound. Behind all of that gibberish it was saying something. 

But he was more focused on making sure you were okay.



"%&^)#%" Is all you could say. V was starting to get really pissed off with that damn mumbling noise.

"Y/N, I can't understand a single thing your saying. Here's a tip: try speaking words."

You had punched her in the arm. And usually she wouldn't feel it. Even if you were going at if full strength. 

This time was different.

"OW, what the hell?!"



That noise was seriously starting to piss her off.

She had locked you in the pod, thinking that you were just making that mumbling noise to piss her off, or to just play a joke on her. 

You hadn't stopped.

She had opened the pod, just to notice that you weren't there anymore.

"What the hell?"


Did you miss me?

Thad was looking at you with a weird look. Your visor had gone offline. But instead of it showing a off screen or 'FATAL ERROR' screen, it was just nothing.

Just. Nothing.

Thad had reached out to touch your visor. Just for another hand to come out an-

Eh, you don't need to know what happens next.

Oh, yeah. The word count. It's 334, or something like that.

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