Boiling Point

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N x GN!Reader


You stared at the abyss that is the massive lake that is in front of you. You felt unsettled, But you didn't have many other options.

You checked your temperature. You were way over your temperature limit, meaning that you were probably going to die at any moment.

You continued to look at the lake.

You dropped to your knees and Punch the ice below you. You had only made a crack, but you were getting somewhere.

Punch after punch, the crack slowly turned into a hole in the ice. 

...Not enough to jump in the lake with.

You kept punching the freezing ice below you, starting to get a bit desperate. Your warning meter was starting to say 'CRITICAL'. which wasn't very reassuring.

Raising your fist one last time, you swung it into the ice, finally shattering it and falling in.

You felt yourself sink into the deep water, waiting. 

You saw bubbles rising around you. You figured that it was the water just kind of boiling suddenly, or just air escaping. Didn't really matter.

You had closed your eyes, just waiting so you could cool down.

Until you felt arms grasping yours, quickly pulling you up. Your eyes hollowed out as you quickly tried to figure out what had grabbed you.

Before you could figure out, you had already been pulled above water.

"Woah, you okay?" A familiar voice asked you. You activated a very convenient windshield wipers so you could see what was in front of you.

Only to be greeted by the wholesome killer.

"Oh, hey N." You greeted. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"...Because you fell into the lake? Isn't that kind of dangerous? What if your components freeze?" N stressed. You just looked down for a second.

"Well, Uh, It's kind of difficult to explain. I think." You had really didn't expect to see N here of all places. 

"Actually, switching topics for a second: What's with the outfit?" You had questioned. You noticed that N had a different outfit than his usual winter jacket. He had a camp councilor outfit.

N had put you down, and pointed his thumb at the distant cabins. "Uzi had asked me to help her with a field trip that she wanted to plan."

"Uzi is allowed to plan field trips?" You raised a brow. N just chuckled.

"No, from what she told me and V, she wanted to let her teacher know that she was going to be out on a trip. And his teacher just made an announcement that they were going on a camping trip." N elaborated.

You looked over to the Cabins again, now noticing your fellow classmates there.

"You never showed up, so I was kind of confused where you were." N explained.

"And you looked out here and saw me?" You finished. N nodded and gave a thumbs up.

"Uh, do you want to join in?" N had asked. Just then, you got another temperature warning. N's eyes hollowed out for a moment before quickly returning to it's original state, now showing a worried look.

"Are you okay?" N asked. You were going to try and say something, but your vision was getting wonky and you were stumbling a bit.

N lifted you up, trying to help you out a bit. Once your vision got back to normal, you didn't feel really good.

"Not really." You answered. "Could you do me a favor? Could you put me in the lake for a minute?"

"What?" N questioned.

"Just trust me." 

After a moment of hesitation, N reluctantly put you back in the lake, but still holding onto your hand, so you didn't sink too far down.

After a few minutes, Your temperature meter went back down to it's normal state. You tugged N's hand to let him know your ready to be pulled back up and he quickly pulled you back up.

N was looking at you with a mix of confused and worried. 

"My cooling system is broke. The doctors weren't able to fix it, and I can't exactly drink oil to cool down for obvious reasons, so I occasionally come out here to cool down." You had explained. 

"How'd it brake? If you don't mind me asking." N asked, you just kind of shrugged.

"I don't really know myself. It just kind of... Broke." 

N just kind of had the same worried look.

"I'm okay now though! So..." You drifted off, not really knowing what else to say.

"Do you want to join us?" N had asked. You looked back to him.

"Yeah, sure." You smiled. 

Both of you were walking back to the camp, where N was silently praying to himself that V didn't kill anymore campers.

"If it helps any, I can help you come out here so you can cool down anytime you have trouble." N offered. You looked at him and smiled again.

"I would really appreciate that N." 


Requested by AmandaTweet, Thank You!

I can do a part two if you guys want, because I know it was relatively short. 

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