Human Child Reader (Platonic because obviously)

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Platonic because Obviously.

So, I got this idea off of my old tumblr blog. Y'know, the one my school also sent to hell?

So I decided to take this idea and expand upon it, adding the other cast members.

The Uzi part is copied and pasted because I wasn't going to type all that out.

This technically takes place before episode 1.



Let's be honest, the chances of Uzi taking in a human child of all things are pretty low.

So the only way I can think of her sparing you, let alone taking you in is if you had a traumatic past that she can relate to! Which was the prompt I was given.

She would definitely try to be distant at first, just give you the bare necessity's like food and water and warmth so you don't die on a hypodermic planet.

Eventually, like N, she get's attached to you.

And suddenly, she's making sure you have the best life possible for you on this planet.

Even when other worker drones are pressuring her to get rid of you, including her dad. She's still sticking it out for you.

But, having a traumatic past meaning having a traumatic breakdown!

She has absolutely no idea how to deal with something like a breakdown when she's still panicking about her own problems, let alone yours.

So, she'll try to repeat what N did, trying to make you focus on something that isn't so bad. She'll try to point out the good things you or you and her did.

"Hey, that drawing you did the other day was... good. How about we do that instead?"

So once she does manage to calm you down and the situation is under control, she'll find something you two can do for fun instead of doing all the depressing stuff.

So, this girl has almost no idea what she's doing, and she took in a human child when she has a virus inside her that's hellbent on killing all humans, but she's doing it anyway.

Speaking of the virus; Since it doesn't have full control yet, all that it can make Uzi do is make her think about killing you, since making her go out of control doesn't really work since cabin fever.

She, obviously, make the thoughts go away quickly as it came.

When she does eventually introduce you to N or V, she is keeping an eye on them since she doesn't really know how they'll react.

N is absolutely appalled that you managed to survive in hypothermic conditions on a planet that's unforgiving. He does treat you similarly to Uzi though.

V has more or less the same reaction as N, but is more on board of getting rid of you. Which doesn't work since both N and Uzi is protective of you.

Yes, N did get attached that fast.

Back to Uzi, once that's all and done with introductions, you'll be happy or frustrated to know that you rarely get to go outside the bunker.

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