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I know these announcements are getting annoying, but I have to bring attention to this:

So what I theorized about people going too far with this drama was correct. But before I get to that, let me go over what's happened since I made the last announcement.

So multiple people who work for glitch came out and gave their statements on how glitch was a good place to work at, and gave their inputs and such. 

They did this after a twitter user made a post commenting on how glitch was a bad company etc, etc. This gained a lot of traction, thus a lot of views. This circles back to what I said earlier about saying other workers came out with their experiences with glitch.

Now, some people are so fucking inpatient and can't take the hint to wait a bit for GLITCH to come out with their response, and ended up doxing Kevin, one of the CEO's of GLITCH.

The basic gist of it is that this person basically threatened Kevin to make an official response, which he did. Kevin goes over on how they were going to take a step back and handle things behind the scene.

This is good and all, but let me get to the point I wanted to make: STOP!

You aren't part of the avengers. Stop putting on the cape and grabbing your sword to go fucking dox people that you don't even know if THEY knew anything about the firing and such. You went too far.

I seriously don't get how people think that they're doing a good thing by threatening these people by releasing their fucking address. You have a lot of sick people out on the internet who would go out of their way to go hurt the people that YOU doxed.

You aren't fucking batman. You aren't a vigilante. 

I'm so tired of seeing people who think harassing and doxing people makes them a good person, when you are threatening these people who, whether or not they are guilty, have their own lives and family that they have to worry about THEIR safety because you gave where they lived.

I'm so tired of this mentality, and it needs to stop.


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