If you were getting abused

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It probably doesn't help that I was reading abuse stories on reddit. 

Uhhh, Requested by DearestRen on my other account. Thank you!



It would explain why you always came into class with ripped up clothing. Not that it's a good thing to figure out, but it does explain a few things.

She would definitely wouldn't let you go back 'home', nuh uh. Instead, she'll let you crash with her. 

She doesn't really know what to do about your depression, she never knew how to deal with her own.



It explains why you came out of the doors. You didn't want to deal with your parents anymore.

He'll do his best to comfort you if your having a breakdown. He'll try to drag your attention to something that's not so bad.

He won't leave your side unless he absolutely had to. 



Will look likes she's completely uninterested, but internally freaking out. She doesn't know what to do.

She'll subtilty convince you to stick with her for awhile.  By subtilty, I mean she'll almost force you to stick with her.

Genuinely will kill anyone who tries to bully or insult you. 



Will be one of the only times where she shows genuine worry for you, let alone any worker drone.

She'll kind of let it happen for a while, before she (in other words, N) finally breaks into the bunker and kills most worker drones. (you weren't there, you were just hiding anywhere outside.)

She'll specifically target your parents. Other than that, she's dead and you lost your only form of emotional support.


Which one was the most depressing for you?

Word Count: 261 

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