My tumblr tags

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To be clear, I don't have tumblr anymore. But, the tags I made in there have gone pretty unoticed, and I really liked them and they're related to murder drones sooo....


Random sketch Ideas I came up with:

Tag: To this day V and Uzi are still fighting each other over snowdrones


Drone Cat:

Tag: The drone cat was inspired by my own cat

Uzi would literally fucking die for the cat


Yandere N x SHY!Male reader:

Tags: Remember that Yandere means practical delusions

Y/N: I wuv you! *Runs*

N: *Fucking dies*


WD reader turning into human:

Tags: I feel like bashing my head in rn because I woke up and didn't get thanked.

It's thanksgiving btw.

(NOTE: as of writing this rn in 2024, it was in fact, not thanksgiving. It was the day before thanksgiving.)


Yandere Uzi that had their Y/N confessed to by another drone:

Tags: Y/N never figures out that she's (uzi) really a yandere by the way

She'll only figure it out if she [uzi] makes it extremely obvious.


Yandere N x affectionate Reader:

Tags: N also isn't willing to let anyone try and get you to stop caring.

N: *Opens door*

Y/N: I love you.

If you don't get that reference-


Yandere N x Stoic/Apathetic!Reader:


N: Why are you acting so emotionless?

Y/N: Our god is non-existent and we're all destined to die.

N: Oh.


MD cast x Inventor Reader:


If all of them have one thing in common it's trying to get you to build a something destructive.

Except for N.

"I'm not building a nuclear bomb for you."

*Annoyed grumbling*


Uzi and Child reader (Note I had the tumblr thing before returning to wattpad):


Uzi just beating the ever-loving hell out of V because she backhanded the reader.

Y/N: I don't want to be on a deadly planet!

Uzi: Then why did you come here?


Yandere N x Fem!Reader:


N just coming out of nowhere and taking Y/N somewhere while she's freaking out.

Y/N: I think you have a problem.

N: I am a plushie.


My first Uzi x reader post on tumblr:


By the way the vague ending I had doesn't mean that she kills you.

Just so that I can build up tension that I'll never continue lol


I honestly found my tumblr blogs kind of funny, and I thought it was worth posting them here. 

And no I did not just spend 15 minutes looking between my phone and the computer to type this out-

Word count: 377

Murder drones x Reader Scenarios/Oneshots/HeadcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now