Uzi Yandere Alphabet REVAMPED

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Because I didn't like the first one lol. Just kind of think it's too lazy and quickly thrown together. Also, I'm changing the regret and cruelty one, because as insane as they are, I don't think they would legitimately kidnap you. 


Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?

I don't think she would show deep and intense love as I'm sure most of you would hope. She'll try to keep it as subtle as possible just for the sakes of "I'm edgy lol."

That's not to say she doesn't give any affection at all, she'll do little things here and there like hugging and hand holding, like what you would see with the NUzi ship. (Sorry disconnected ;D)

All this being said, not intense at all, and how they show their affection is her trying to keep it to a minimum for the time being.

Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?

If she isn't feral, think of it more like a controlled burn in a wild fire. Since this is a yandere alphabet, she would kind of have this delusion that everyone is trying to kill you or take you away from her.

To her, she wouldn't kill anyone unless she was forced to. But she would go out of her way to threaten someone to stay away from you, or to just stop interacting with you all together.

In her feral form though, (as in; she isn't thinking form) she would go absolutely hunter mode. And since we know that she can absolutely kick a disassembly drone's non-existent ass, we know she would likely win every encounter.

And the 'win' in this case is just catching the person she's hunting. You all know that a regular worker drone could never take someone like her in a direct fight.

Cruelty: Would they ever hurt or lash out at their darling?

Unless you consider punching you in the arm out of embarrassment 'lashing out at their darling', than no, She wouldn't.

In all honesty, the most you'll get from her in terms of lashing out is when she's jealous of you talking to another drone. Then she'll just kind of stare at you, which'll probably leave you confused.

She's not going to threaten you or anything, she isn't that insane... yet. 

Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling's will?

I'll tell you right now that she'll never abduct you. One reason being is that she couldn't bring herself to do it, another being that she doesn't think she'll get away with it without having some suspicion on her.

That being said, she will try and limit the people you talk to, or worse: kill them. Again, she's going to try avoiding killing people at all, so don't expect her to go full on genocide.

Other than that, I can't think up many things she would force you to not do. Definitely don't talk to Lizzy.

Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?

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