If you were injured.

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Requested by Xx_ImaNi-_xX! Thank.

By the way, I did separate the context in which it happened because I thought it might be appropriate considering the circumstances.



Depends on the context on how you were injured. Both of them will have the same end result; her being worried about you.

If someone intentionally hurt you: More than likely death. Best case scenario they only lose a limb, depending if she's feral at the time or just pissed off enough. There isn't really a in-between.

If it was an accident: She will scold the hell out of you. It's not so much that she's pissed that you did something that stupid in the first place, it's that what if she loses you too? It's not a risk she's too comfortable to take.



This is universal: He's concerned for you. Context doesn't really matter, but I'll give it to you because it extends fun.

If someone intentionally hurt you: He's really hoping that they did it on accident and not on purpose. If they did do it on purpose and shows intent to do it again he will defend you. 

If it's on accident: Relief. Well, sort of. He's just glad that nobody is just going to go out of their way to hurt you again. So he will try to help you and brush it off as nothing more than just an accident.



Context: It matters. Obviously. She will feign non interest, but is worried about you.

If someone intentionally hurt you: It really depends if you want the guy killed or not. Assuming you don't, she does let them off with a warning because for a normal worker drone; who in their right mind would threaten a person who has a Murder Drone as their partner?

If it was an accident: She will just kind of brush it off. It's not really that serious, because unless you were seriously injured, it's not like it's a reoccurring threat. Unless your just straight up clumsy, then it becomes a problem.



Context blah blah blah, you get the deal.

If someone hurt you intentionally: Doesn't matter what you say, they're going to die. She will fake it, saying that it's because "They interrupted your work, and I have a mission to do." But in reality she's just really pissed off.

If it was an accident: Light scolding. She's in all honesty just going to give you a slap on the wrist, hell give you the day off probably. It sounds out of character, but she's still tied to union regulations and the non existent Workers department.


Word Count: 421

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