It was your choice.

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"Y/N, listen-" Uzi tried to convince. You on the other hand, weren't having it.

"NO! How could you kill them?!" You yelled. You were just having a hard time wrapping your head around it. How could she kill people and just toss it to the side? Like nothing happened?

"Y/N, I'm trying to explain that!" Uzi's face was filled with one of stress and hurt.

"At this point, I'm not sure if I even want you too... It won't change anything." 

"Y/N. Listen to me. People die all the time! What difference does this make?" Uzi blurted out.

You just stared at her.



"You've killed people before right?" You reluctantly asked. N seemed hesitant to answer, and at the same time confused.

"I thought that was kind of obvious." N hesitantly said aloud. You nodded.

"It is, but do you know why you were killing them in the first place?" You asked. N shook his head.

"...Actually, now that you say it out loud, I don't really know why, other than just the company saying they're rouge ai."

"And because of your heating systems." You finished. N nodded too. 

"Yeah, now that you say it out loud, it does seem kind of skeptical now, doesn't it?"

You nodded.



"Why so quick to aggression?" You asked. V just looked at you, seemingly uninterested but confused at the same time.

"What do you mean?" V's head tilted slightly.

"Whenever something catches you off guard, you always seem to be ready to attack on the dime." You elaborated. V blinked for a moment before looking away.

"...It's a bit complicated." V tried to avoid, which only made you more suspicious.

"Everything about you guys are complicated." You said, being kind of insensitive. V just rolled her eyes, seeming kind of annoyed.

"And it's also my business. So stay out of it." V responded harshly, glaring at you. You backed down.


Decided not to add J because I'm lazy.

Word Count: 310

Murder drones x Reader Scenarios/Oneshots/HeadcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now