All we can do is try. (Short oneshot)

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N is a bit more edgy here, don't mind him. He just lost everyone he cares about besides you.

It's just an idea that came up while I was in school.

My interpretation of what happens post episode 7 with you in it.


"Kay, so things aren't looking so hot." You pointed out the obvious, "But we can do it! All we have to do is-"

"How do you know?" N interrupted, leaving you with a blank look. "How do you know? All that happens is that we keep losing people, how do you know?"

You just rubbed your arm, not knowing how to respond. Quite frankly, he was right. How do you know?

"This past day has been a disaster. First, we lose V, then Uzi, then it turns out that the Tessa I know isn't even Tessa! What are we supposed to do?!" N yells. You didn't flinch, just keeping that same remorseful face you had.

"N..." You weakly muttered. He just looked away from you keeping that annoyed/sad face he had.

"That thing keeps just making things worse for us." He muttered, "It keeps twisting the knife when it's already won."

He sat down at a rock, just burying himself in his legs. You just looked at him, trying to think of something. Suddenly, something popped into your head.

"Has it?" You asked. N un-buried himself to give you a look that you can't describe. You walked over to him and sat down next to him.

"I mean, last I checked, you and I are still here." You said, smiling a bit to which he scoffed. 

"What good is a singular Murder Drone and Worker Drone 'gonna do?" Asked N, to which you shrugged.

"Honestly? Not much." You started, "I mean, what can we do, right?" N just gave you another look you couldn't describe, but you just kept that same smile you had moments prior.

"You've lost everything. You cut yourself off, "Well, mostly everything, but you're still here." You continued, grabbing some snow in your hand.

You sighed a bit, "It's still you, N." You told him. "No matter what happens, don't forget that." N's look softened a bit, now just looking relatively sad. 

N's body language became less closed off, but still... something. You can't quite describe it. 

You scooted closer to him, "Giving up isn't going to make you feel any better, N." You began, "Believe me, when things get tough, the easiest option is always going to be giving up." You looked away from him, lost a bit in thought.

You raised your hand, which still had snow in it, "But, as easy as it might seem," You looked back at him, "It's always going to be a bad option in most cases." You put a hand on his shoulder.

N, who was looking at the ground moments prior, now looks back at you, who's trying to give him a reassuring look.

"All we can do is try. Even if we know what's going to happen, we still have to try. We can't just not try." You looked back at the ground again, "Don't let everything you've worked up to go to waste without a fight. You'll never be able to live with yourself if that happens."

"I just don't want to be alone." N muttered, to which you chuckled a bit. You let the snow that was in your hand fall down into the bigger pile of snow.

"You're not alone, N." You comforted, "I'm still here, and as long as you have me, I'll stay."

You wrapped your arms around him, embracing him. N flinched for a moment, before eventually returning the gesture. You stayed like that for a few moments.

"Things are going to get worse. It's the people around you that you care about that makes it barrable. Don't let their sacrifice be in vain."


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